Sunday, September 18, 2011

Donate and Win

 I am giving away 2 Nook Simple Touch eReaders for those who are kind enough to help others. Companies who would like to sponsor either event please contact me to discuss ways you can sponsor.

Entering is simple:

Donate to either (or both) and receive your entries. The minimum entry amount is $10. you get 10 entries for ever $10 you donate. After $100 your entries get a little higher. I am using Google Docs because I cannot set up 2 Rafflecopter Giveaways on the same page. Winner will be selected using and the spreadsheet entry (minus email information) will be posted along with the winner once confirmed.


The color, etc of the Nook Simple Touch shown are the ones I will be purchasing.
Winners will have 48 hours to respond to emails before another winner(s) will be chosen
Giveaways will end when Goals are met or around Feb. 2012 whichever comes first. I would love to meet these goals before Christmas and may add to the prizes if we do.

Number of Entries:

10 entries for every $10 donated up to $100
$101-199 = 200 entries
$200-499 = 500 entries
$500-999 =  1000 entries
If you are donating more than $1000 PLEASE email me.

Giveaway # 1:

My wonderful friend's son is trying to go to Canada as a student ambassador. He is in need of a sponsor and/or donations. The entire trip will cost $4500.If you would like to donate please use the PayPal button below.

Giveaway # 2: 

There is a family in my community that needs help. I would love to help them by providing food, help paying their utility bills, and well as providing Christmas. So for all those who help me help them you will receive a chance to win a Nook Simple Touch as well. I am trying to raise around $3000. Use the PayPal button below to donate:

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