Thursday, September 22, 2011

Flip Flop Wines: Moscato

By now you all know about our love affair with Flip Flop Wines.  If you are not familiar with Flip Flop Wines, allow me to introduce you.

From Flip Flop Wines Site:
While working at an organic vegetable farm in the Mt. Shasta region of California, David discovered the art of grape growing. After planting a small vineyard on the farm, he was fascinated with wine, from managing the vineyard to tasting the fruits of his labor. Inspired to learn more, David attended the University of California at Davis first to study viticulture, and then added  wine making coursework as well. David honed his wine making skills at well-known California wineries including Artesa and Davis Bynum. In 2009, David began working on the wines that would become the inaugural vintage of flip flop. His goal is to stay true to each wine’s varietal character, and to make great tasting wines that don’t break the bank.

TESTING Moscato:

We received the Moscato to try. We were not in any way disappointed. Like all other Flip Flop wines this one was more than we had imagined it to be. It is a light bodies wine that is best served chilled. I love cold wine much better than room temperature. I should say for all those who read my pregnancy posts that I have written: My doctor has told me that the occasional glass of wine will not hurt me or the baby. I don't drink all the time, maybe once a month if that. Now that is out of the way. Flip flop suggests serving the Moscato with Pad Thai, Chinese chicken salad or vegetable curry. We had it with Pozole which is a Mexican soup. It complimented the spiciness if the soup very nicely.

PROS of Flip Flop Wines

  • Great price! The wines are less than $10 a bottle
  • They don't taste like under $10 wines! They taste like you spent a fortune
  • Every purchase helps a good cause

CONS of Flip Flop Wines
  • None but please drink responsibly
Shop Flip Flop Wines

You can purchase Flip Flop Wines online or ask your favorite retailer.

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