Wednesday, August 31, 2011


It is almost time for Christmas gift wrapping. Of course if you are like me you have been shopping all year and are almost done, right? Well to be honest I have to start in February because I have two brothers and a sister, nieces and nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins, and a mom to buy for. That's just on my side, we aren't even going to begin to discuss Edgar's side which all has to be shipped to is one those great companies that has a wide variety of items such as invitations, birthday cards, thank you cards and more. They also have gift wrap which is what I got to review.

From website: is dedicated to helping you and your family personalize and celebrate all of life's special is brought to you courtesy of Expressionables by DME, a family-owned company now approaching 30 years of experience in personalization and variable four color printing.
As a fully integrated leader in direct marketing, DME has been committed to providing its clients with total in-house marketing solutions from our 11-acre Daytona Beach production complex. DME’s state-of-the-art facilities span over 120,000 square feet of printing, call center, internet, video soundstage, office and warehouse space, including our own on-site branch of the US Post Office!Our background in personalized printing and years of customer service made the creation of Expressionables a natural business decision, and one long overdue.

TESTING Expressionables

The personalized gift wrap that I received was Christmas Berries and Snowflakes was super cute! I got to choose the photos I wanted to include and what I wanted to say. Ordering was very easy and the entire process was simple. The quality of the paper was so good that my mom cut a square and put it in a frame as did my sister and sister in-laws. I love that I can wrap a gift and instead of a name tag I just make sure that person's picture is facing up. This personalized gift wrap raised my level of smartness, creativeness, and ranking in our family unit. My siblings and I all joke we have numbers. For example my sister is now and always will be Number 1 to our mom. However my level went form 101 to at least 98. :) there are plenty of other themes for the gift wrap not just Christmas. Some of the baby gift wrap is so cute.

PROS of Expressionables

  • Lots of items to choose from
  • Easy to search the site and find what you are looking for
  • Easy to place your order
  • Customizing is very easy and you are sent a proof 
CONS of Expressionables
  • I had to choose a paper. I wanted them all.  
SHOP Expressionables

The Diva Cup Review with Giveaway

I recently discovered a product called the Diva Cup and while I was a little unsure about it at first I will say that it truly works.  The Diva Cup is a small cylindrical silicon cup.  It reminded me a little of the diaphragm’s I’ve seen on TV . It is a menstrual cup. If you have never heard of those don't feel bad I haven't either. they were first developed in the 30s and then died away.

The DivaCup Team has over 38 years of combined experience in natural feminine hygiene alternatives. Their passion is to provide women an environmentally responsible, convenient and reliable alternative to tampons and pads.



TESTING The Diva Cup

The Diva Cup is not like a tampon and yet it is in a way. As someone who has never used a tampon a day in her life I was super nervous inserting the Diva cup and I will be honest.. I did it wrong a couple of times. You will quickly learn that if it doesn’t feel right, it’s not in correctly.  This is not a matter of leakage, rather it  felt a little uncomfortable so I knew right away it was placed correctly. The one big drawback for some may be the fact that you will have to rinse out your Diva Cup. Some may not like that.  If, like me, your periods are heavy you will be rinsing more often.You also have to rotate the Cup one full circle – it says so in the instructions. after I did this, it was leak free, comfortable and a delight. It was a little more labor intensive as oppose to just putting on a pad but in the end I feel it was worth it. There are two different sizes:
Model 1: For women under 30 years old who have never delivered vaginally or by caesarean section.

Model 2: For women over 30 years old and/or for women who have delivered vaginally or by caesarean section.

PROS of The Diva Cup

  • Environmentally safe
  • Safe, medical grade silicon is known to be non toxic to our bodies. 
  • Comfortable

CONS of the Diva Cup

  • There is a learning curve to using this product. I’d suggest the first few times using a panty liner in the event that you have any leakage. 
  • It takes a least 2 periods before you are really comfortable using it

SHOP for The Diva Cup
CLICK HERE to input your zip/postal code to find a retailer near you.

WIN: Enter below for your chance to win your own Diva Cup

Ends Sept 21, 2011

Merlin's Kin by: Everett Coles

Unaware of the compulsion put upon them by the sleeping spirit of Merlin the Magician, fifteen year old Francis Steele and his four friends explore the subterranean chambers of an old ruin. Lost, they escape through a door to the outside only to find themselves in a new and unbelievable world where mammoths draw gigantic caravans and two great blue moons light up the night sky. Here too are primitive birds – small, sly and intelligent; unicorns and huge fighting beasts; Big Foot is here and a race of Elf-like creatures as well as the descendants of King Arthur’s knights who long ago lost the ideals of chivalry.

Merlin's Kin by Everett Coles is a fast paced book that is filled with fantasy, treachery, and more. I really enjoyed the book and my son is currently reading it. He loves the world that Everett has created. It reminds me of the Merlin stories of old. I love that Coles answers the question of what happened to King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable. They and the generations that followed are living in Merlin's new world. It is the classic good versus evil story.

This is perfect for kids ages 10-15. Older kids may enjoy it but they may not be into all the fantasy of the book.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stained Glass Hearts by: Pasty Clairmont

Stained Glass Hearts: Seeing Life from a Broken Perspective by Pasty Clairmont, discusses how all of lives become broken  because we live in a sin-stained world. Comparing the believer's life to a stained glass window, Clairmont writes how God builds a beautiful and purposeful life from the broken pieces that we often see as hindrances and setbacks.Clairmont includes suggested art pieces, music, and scripture readings for you to look at on your own.

I had never thought about my heart or my life , for that matter, in the terms of a stained glass window but now with that new perspective it seems to help all the pieces fall into place.
I really liked this book. One passage that I truly enjoyed was:

"Just as stained windows require ongoing repair and protection through the years, so do we. But you knew that. Life is a strong teacher of such things. But I have to repeat to myself some truths again and again or they slip my mind. My busy-about-many-things lifestyle can cause me to buzz right past my needs until I start to shard. Then, stopped in my tracks, this truth comes to me: 'Oh, yes. I need to be still for repairs.' To the degree I respond, I gain a healthier perspective."

We all know that we need to take time for "repairs" , to pray,or just some me time. It is the time that allows us to heal and be better people. I like that although Clairmont points out that we need to do that she does it without being condescending.

Rita's Recommendation:

I would recommend this book to anyone. It is a great book for both men and women alike.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson publishers in exchange for my honest opinion.

The Eden Prescription by: Ethan Evers

In The Eden Prescription by Ethan Evers, Dr. Elliot Lindell  has come up with a formula, using all natural ingredients, that essentially cures several forms of cancer. Annika Guthrie, while working with Chromogen, secretly gives this formula to cancer patients. Just the formula, nothing else. Miraculously, they all get better. However, they’re all killed off once Chromogen gets word of what’s going on. From there, it becomes Annika and Lindell versus Chromogen, and in many cases, Chromogen’s competitor, Mitogenica. Billions of dollars are at stake for the pharmaceutical companies, and when that much money is involved, you know it’s going to get violent.

Evers spent years researching all the information, studies, and science behind natural medicine for cancer, and it shows. I think there are a few times when all the research shows a little too much. there are a few points in the book where there seems to be a lot of scientific information. That aside this is a great read! It is on par with the Jason Bourne novels (no, I don't know who wrote those.) There is plenty of suspense and mystery to make up for the science. I couldn't put the book down.

Rita's Recommendation:

I would recommend this book for adults. While teens may enjoy the book I feel the story line may be a bit much for them.

That Moment, That Feeling

One day at a time is still how I take my faith. I have gotten much better about it all. In fact I wanted to share with you all my "moment." One night a few weeks ago I had a horrible dream (This dream came after I had thought I finally had given up on God and faith.) The kind that wakes you up and makes you scared to death to even move in the bed. I reached for my husband, only he seemed to be a million miles away from me on the bed.  I sat there in the bed no sure what to do and it was in that moment for the first time in my life I can say I honestly felt God.

Before I always knew he was there and could sometimes hear him or at least think it was him speaking to me. this moment was different. It was a moment when through my fear I could feel a strength I didn't know I had. A certainty that although I will always have trials and be tested I will be alright. My dreams and prays have been heard and will be answered.

I know this all makes me sound a bit crazy I guess. I had never had a feeling like that better. Ever since that night I have been trying to spend time with my family and make my life more the way I want it to be. My journey is by no means over but maybe it is finally on the right path.

Monday, August 29, 2011

It's My Birthday

Today is my birthday. So while there is tons of work for me to do I will be taking the day off to enjoy it with my family. My children have baked me a cake and I have been plans. I hope that you all have a glorious day.

Zippity Doo's Review with Giveaway

It's that time of the year again when children go back to school and bring home something that you do NOT want....HEAD LICE. I will never forget growing up the one time I had head lice. My mother didn't even know what it was, my sister had gotten it and since we shared a bed I got it. It was awful. My mother cut our hair so short you couldn't tell if we were boys or girls. I honestly remember the embarrassment I felt. Now I know better. It is simply one of those things that children get. I have been lucky enough that my children have not had it yet.  However the best cure is prevention.

Zippity Doo's has just the thing you need.Zippity Doo's, is a line of children's hair care products that help prevent head lice. Zippity Doo's products contain natural ingredients that are mild enough for daily use and provide health benefits to the hair and scalp while helping to prevent lice infestation. They are also paraben-free! From shampoo and conditioner to detangler and styling gel, as well as a shield spray for all surfaces, Zippity Doo's has created an entire hair care regimen that will leave your child's hair clean, healthy and shiny.

TESTING Zippity Doo's

We started by using the shampoo and conditioner during bath time. Getting the kids to use it wasn't very hard, I simply took out their other shampoo and conditioner which left them with no choice. They washed their hair like they always do and I didn't have to worry about using those horrible chemicals on them if they did happen to get lice. The leave-in detangler worked well in Victoria's hair. Like me she has curly hair and we have to use a detangler.

The other products were a  styling gel and shield spray. I will tell you that I love the shield spray. We had an incident with a ton of ants in the shower. I hate using chemicals and try no to if I can help it. The bottle said for lice and other infestations. So I sprayed like there was no tomorrow. Guess what? It worked. No more ants. It didn't kill them so much as they don't like the smell.

Zippity Doo's is made with natural ingredients that include Rosemary, Citronella Oil, Tea Tree Oil, and Aloe. The products are not harmful which is great.

PROS of Zippity Doo's

  • Safe and effective
  • Pediatrician Approved
  • It works!
CONS of Zippity Doo's

  • This is from my kids..they didn't like the smell. I did!
SHOP Zippity Doo's

You can shop for Zippity Doo's products at various retails.


Enter below for your chance to win a Zippity Doo's Pack

ENDS Sept  20, 2011

Baseboard Buddy

When you live out in the woods or the country as I do you know how important keeping your house clean is. Miss one day you will end of with spiders or bugs that tend to get in. The worst part for me is actually two-fold. First my woods are mostly pine trees and every bug in the world seems to love those things. Secondly I live within a state park which means I can't just go out and cut down trees willy-nilly.That said I have a wonderful tool to help me with this endeavor without a lot of effort on my part. It is called the Baseboard Buddy and I love it. The Baseboard Buddy is like a Swiffer for your baseboards.

TESTING Baseboard Buddy

When my Baseboard Buddy arrived I did have to assemble the handle with the base but it was super easy. I attached the pad. You spray on your favorite cleaner, dusting product , whatever, and set off the cleaning your baseboards without having to bend over. That is the best part. What use to take me two hours to get done now takes me fifteen minutes. Of course you all know me and I am all about abusing a product to make sure it works so I put it to the test. I threw that things all over the place. Got on my husband's ladder and dropped it as well. It didn't break, bend, or crack. The pad is cloth  and I will tell you that I washed mine in the washing machine inside a mesh bag and it came out super clean. The product worked so well I caught my husband using it to clean his truck windshield (don't ask!)

PROS of Baseboard Buddy
  • Easy to use
  • Keeps me from having to crawl around on the floor
  • Good value at $24.99
  • You can buy additional pads
CONS of Baseboard Buddy
  • I couldn't find a single one.
SHOP Baseboard Buddy

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dancing on the Inside by Glen Strathy

Ever since her grandparents gave her a DVD of Swan Lake, twelve-year old Jenny Spark has wanted to be a dancer. But on her first day of ballet class, she suffers a panic attack and makes a horrifying discovery. She's terrified of dancing in front of the other kids, and as for actually performing for an audience? Forget it. Yet Jenny refuses to give up her dream. With determination and a little ingenuity, she finds ways to observe ballet classes without actually participating. She trains in the safety of her room, while hiding the truth from her parents. Then Jenny meets her exact opposite: Ara Reyes, an outgoing, spontaneous, and accident-prone girl who loves dancing but has always been overlooked. The girls' friendship blossoms as they help each other uncover their real talents. Ara's dancing takes a leap forward and Jenny discovers she has an amazing gift for choreography. With the support of the school's newest teacher, Jenny's original ballet might just make it on stage . . . but will she? 

Dancing on the Inside by Glen Strathy is  one of the most endearing books I have read in a while.
Jenny has such an overwhelming passion for dance, but is unable to act on her passion because she suffers from a crippling shyness. I know what that sort of shyness feels like. Ara and Jenny are such good friends because they bring out the best in each other.

Strathy has done a wonderful job portraying the friendship between the girls. Sometimes men have a hard time grasping the deep relationships women tend to have. The characters are both very believable and well rounded. It was a quick read but worth every second. My daughter is currently reading it now.

Rita's Recommendation:

This book is perfect for adults, teens, and tweens alike.

Afternoon Tea with King Arthur Flour Basic Scone Mix with Giveaway

I have talked of my affair with Afternoon Tea off and on. In fact my daughter and I have tea together at least once a week. We break out the china and get dressed up and spend an hour pretending we are fine ladies at Bertram's Hotel (from Agatha Christie's Miss Marple.) It is great fun and we enjoy ourselves. I take this time to teach my daughter the "refinement of being a lady" as my Granny put it when I was younger. There are always treats such as tea cakes, biscuits, or scones. I have the chance to review King Arthur Flour Basic Scone mix.

 TESTING King Arthur Flour Basic Scone Mix

The Basic Scone Mix is plain so you are left to add what ever you want. I like the idea of that. I like that I can control what goes into my scones. I should tell you that you can do scones in whatever shape you like. I have seen them in triangles as well as like regular biscuits. So just do what you want. We do the round ones. The mix takes a lot of butter so be sure to buy the sticks as they are easier to measure. I added dates to one batch and vanilla with chocolate chips to another batch.

PROS of King Arthur Flour Basic Scone Mix

  • Simple instructions for those who have never made scones
  • A great base for any add in.
  • Bakes wonderfully
  • King Arthur Flour has all the tools you need such as scone pans
  • King Arthur Flour has a wide variety of bread mixes as well as other items.
CONS of King Arthur Flour Basic Scone Mix
  • I always have to make several batches because they seem to disappear before I have time to sit down.
SHOP King Arthur Flour

You shop for King Arthur Flour in their online store or find a store near you that carries it.


Enter below for your chance to win your own bag of Basic Scone Mix from King Arthur Flour.

ENDS  SEPT 20, 2011

Fashion Saverz Pink by ZiziBizy

How many of you have those darn deodorant or make up stains on your shirts? Don't hate when that happens. I always hate when I put on a black dress or shirt and my white deodorant gets all over it. My friends over at Zizibizy have created a product just for such mishaps, it called the Fashion Saverz Pink

From Zizibizy Website:

Zizibizy, a women-owned company, is dedicated to creating products that help make every day problems into extraordinary solutions with little extra attention to detail.
Ani, Lilit and Zara, three sassy, career-oriented women, set out to fulfill their true calling in life and found passion in creating solution-oriented products that were lacking in the market place. After many years of working in different careers they realized that by combining their skills and expertise they could start a company, Zizibizy, that would create innovative products for women, by women.
Before and After Pics from Zizibizy

TESTING the Fashion Saverz Pink

This handy little sponge has become a life saver for me.It honestly works. It is a specially fabricated sponge that save your newly stained clothes. You simply rub it over the stain and it is gone. It even works on most make-up powder stained. I have found that if I keep it in my purse I have it with me whenever I need it. I don't way someone didn't come up with this idea first but I am so glad to have my Fashion Saverz Pink.

PROS of Fashion Saverz Pink
  • It WORKS!
  • It costs only $5.00
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Works on most fabrics
  • Even gets pet hair off clothing and furntiture
CONS of Fashion Saverz Pink

  • I need to buy more so I can keep one everywhere.
SHOP Zizibizy

You can shop Zizibizy for this and other must have products.


Cabo Chips

You can only imagine the amount of tortilla chips that are eaten in my home. In fact most of the time I make my own from my mother in-law's recipe. I was thrilled to try Cabo Chips though because I had heard good things about them. Of course i should say that this review was a solo review as my husband's opinion was that any company who would send him a case of chips to review is the best ever. Leave it to a man!

From Cabo chips Website:

 Throughout his childhood, Brady Bunte and his brothers would experiment with chip recipes before discovering just the right mixture of soy sauce and lime juice that made an irresistible chip. Years later while spending his summers fishing and soaking up the rays along the beaches of Cabo San Lucas, Bunte realized that his chips belonged next to coolers on every boat and within arms reach of every hammock. It was a simple idea, it was a good idea, but where to get started?
Since Cabo had been the inspiration, it seemed only fitting to begin there as well. Cabo Foods Inc. opened its first factory directly across from the Corona brewery (you know there's a joke in there somewhere).  The factory became a focal point for the community by creating good jobs and funding charities and schools. A few months after starting in Mexico, Cabo Chips became so successful that the company opened a second factory near the beautiful beaches in sunny Southern California. To this day, Cabo Chips is still owned and operated by the Bunte family.

TESTING Cabo Chips

We receive a box load with a couple of different bag sizes and flavors. I will say that my favorite of the group was the Original.  The hint of lime and soy is so subtle yet so pronounced. There is really no way of describing it other than tho tell you I ate the entire bag without any dip. These chips don't require a topping. the Blue Corn with Sea Salt and Lime are good but to me I prefer the white corn chips. It is an aesthetic thing and nothing more. I did not get to try the Spicy Chipotle with Soy and Lime but my best guess is that since they didn't last for more than 30 minutes in the house someone, not naming any names Edgar!, must have loved them.

Pros of Cabo Chips

  • They contain nothing artifical
  • No Trans fat 
  • You can feel good about giving these to your family
Cons of Cabo Chips
  • They currently have 3 flavors and I would love more because they are so good.
Shop Cabo Chips

You can find Cabo Chips in stores or in their online store


Connect with Cabo Chips on Facebook and Twitter

My Little Cupcake Pop Mold

As you all know I really enjoy baking! So when I came across My little Cupcake on Chic Execs I just had to pitch to them. I must tell you that these are so super cute. I wanted them for my daughter's birthday but now that I have one I can see all sort uses for it. This little mold actually became a great way for the kids and I to spend a little time in the kitchen. That is important to me for various reasons but the biggest is the memories they will have. My fondest memories are baking in my Granny's large kitchen.

My little Cupcake started when Jeanette Facey
first saw an episode of Martha Stewart highlighting these cute, decorated Cupcake POPS on her popular daytime show.She soon realized that although decorating the cupcake pops was fun but, getting the cupcake shape turned out to be quite tedious and what was needed was a mold.  

TESTING My Little Cupcake Pop Mold 

Using this mold was super easy. I made Oreo cupcake pops for the kids and tried my hand at the decorating (The recipe for the pops is listed below.) All in all I must say that it was far easier than trying to make a cupcake shape  free handed. I started by making mixing all my ingredients together and forming balls about the size of a golf ball. I allowed the balls to set in the fridge for about an hour. This will vary from fridge to fridge so just check yours. It is suggested that you only take a few balls out at a time and I will tell you if you are doing these in hot weather this is great advice!

The next step was to get the balls into the mold. this was something I allowed my kids to do. It got them into the kitchen and we had a great time doing everything together. The kids placed the balls into the mold and then closed it. They wiped off the excess on the sides and we found that if you leave the mold closed for a few seconds you get a better mold. Another great tips is keep your hands and the mold clean. We wiped the mold out with a paper towels after each cupcake. My Little Cupcake blog has answers to all sorts of issues and we found it useful.

Once we had the cupcake shapes they went back into the fridge to set up. I left these in for about an hour and half just to be sure. I didn't want the candy melts to melt off before I could make the dang things look a little pretty. The best thing about the recipe is that it is no-bake so it can really give you a great mold. I will say, while we are waiting for everything to cool, that I attempted this with regular cake and it does NOT work. However the no-bake cheesecake works really well. Just play around with different recipes until you find the ones you like. You simply need a batter that is mold-able.

Once the cupcakes had cooled enough I began dipping the bottoms into melted candy melts. you can use chocolate or another dip you like. As long as it hardens it doesn't matter what you use. After dipping the bottom I interested the sticks and dipped the tops. The spoon you see in the bowl helps coat everything evenly.

 The pops have to set up again so back into the fridge they go. This time in an egg carton (one that has been cleaned please!) If you would like to use something different My Little Cupcake does offer holders. whatever you use think about gravity and that these candy melts have been melted. So make sure you place them upside down.

I added a white candy melt to the top when they had cooled enough and allowed it to cool a little. I place them all in a styrofoam  log that I got in the floral department at Walmart.  In the end they looked cute and the kids and I had a lot of fun making them.

PROS of My Little Cupcake Pop Mold

  • Easy to use
  • You can purchase a 4 pack of the mold
  • Kids can use them without adult supervision.
CONS of My Little Cupcake Pop Mold
  • This con comes from my son.. Does it have to only come in pink? He didn't using it but would prefer something a little more boyish.
SHOP My Little Cupcake Pop

You can find my Little Cupcake Pop Molds in select stores and online.

This is NOT my recipe it is from the My Little Cupcake Website I listed it as my Recipe of the Week because i think it is so wonderful and versatile!

ORIGINAL OREO COOKIE  1 pkg. OREO Cookies     
1 - 8oz. pkg. cream cheese

Grind Oreo Cookies in a food processor and hand mix with cream cheese.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Beautiful and Sexy

It has been a while since I updated everyone on the state of my marriage. Edgar and I have been working hard to get through everything this year and I must say I think we have. He still has to work from time to time out of town but I don't worry as much as I once did. I still worry that he is safe and that he makes it home safe but that is of course normal. On the nights when he isn't here I do what I must to make sure the kids and are safe and sound for when he returns. We have an alarm and I always notify the police department so they will add us to their patrol list which is one of the great things about a small town. It helps set Edgar's mind at rest as well. The part is that when I talk to him on the phone he always tells me how beautiful and sexy I am. That alone makes me certain I did the right thing staying with him. While managing to pull ourselves through his affair has been rough, it has shown us how much we truly love one another.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Choosing the Best Lingerie for Yourself

Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store

When choosing the best lingerie for yourself their are a lot of factors to take into account. I of course get most of my lingerie from edenfantasys, the best adult shop ever! I use a simple guideline when selecting lingerie that I hope you will all find helpful.

His favorite colors: I always start by searching for my husbands favorite colors. He loves black or red lingerie so that is a great place to start. With edenfantasys I can refine my search by color(s) so that helps. Remember however, that this is just where I begin. I am not above getting something I really like because it is not he would expect and spices things up a little.

 Size: I of course have to search for things in my size because, well lets face it, it would be pointless to get something in a smaller size. I suggest that you utilize the size charts on any site. They are invaluable. Remember that just because you wear a size 2 in one brand doesn't always mean you will wear a size 2 in all brands.

Style: Next decide what sort of style you are looking for. Do you want underwire or push-up? G-strings or thongs? Knowing this in advance will make searching easier for you and cut your time in half. When you have an idea of what you are looking for you don't have to spend hours going through everything. Also decide whether you are looking for lingerie or a sexy costume. There is a difference.

Have Fun: This is the most important! I love to go through everything and look at, while trying to decide what would make my husband's jaw drop. Sometimes just to give myself a little edge I send my wonderful hubby pics of the two items I am considering and ask his opinion. I, of course, never tell him which one I chose. I save that for the big reveal.

Don't Settle: If you find an item you really love but it is not in stock, don't settle for something else. You won't like it as much. The best thing about edenfantasys is that you can set alerts so that you will know when your item is back in stock so you can order it.

Saving JFK by:William Green

Year 2028. Emma and Ethan, two seventeen-year-old twins go beyond the limitations of time to find truth and justice. Who really killed President Kennedy in 1963? For the twins, the Chicago assassination was the bloody turning point in the downhill deterioration of USA democracy. They discover a secret Time Machine buried deep in an underground bomb shelter, and go back to 1963 Chicago to save JFK.

Saving JFK by: William Green is based on a real conspiratorial plot to end the life of the President. In late October 1963 four assassins entered the city of Chicago intent upon killing JFK. Equipped with sniper rifles, they were ready to shoot him as his motorcade proceeded from O’Hare Airport to Soldier Field. JFK would never make it to the annual Army/Air Force football game.Of course the president changed his plans and was later assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas.

I must say that I did not know of the Chicago plot prior to reading this book. Every so often you hear about JFK and I simply no longer pay that much attention, there have been so many theories and stories. So I had to look up the information. I really liked the book more than I thought I would. Green states that "Everyone has hope that their lives will have meaning" and he does a wonderful job of giving the twins lives meaning.

So many people have written books on Kennedy and his assassination but I really like that, while Green writes about Kennedy, he has taken a completely different route. Writing about a plot that many may not even know about is refreshing. I love the time travel aspect as well. All in all it was a good read.

Rita's Recommendations:

This is a great book for both adult, teens.


Peter Pauper Press Review with Giveaway

I love stationary! Bet you didn't know that about me. Not many people do, when I was growing up I had so much my dad use to call me a paper hound. I always feel, however, that if you are going to have great stationery then you need a great pen to write on it. When I searched for an item to review on Peter Pauper Press I was thrilled to come across some wonderful roller ball pens.
 From Peter Pauper Press Website:

PETER PAUPER PRESS, founded in 1928, is one of America’s leading publishers of fine gift books, humor books, compact references, travel guides, unique journals, quality stationery, holiday cards, and innovative children’s activity books. We publish approximately 100 books and ancillary products per year.
Their product lines include everything from Little Black Books, hip little reference books on popular topics, from Barbecue and Beer to Casino Games, Cocktails, and Coffee to Sex, Sushi, and Wine to Kids' Activity Books entertain (and educate) kids at home or on the go!

I was sent the Soho Stripes Roller Ball Pen to review. I will tell you it has become my favorite pen. I carry it in my checkbook and use it to write my daily journal with. I love the pink color and the strips simply add to the sophistication of the pen. Everyone needs a classy pen for their purse and trust me you will find one that suits your style at Peter Pauper Press. The pen came in a beautiful box so that it could be given as a gift very easily.

PROS of Peter Pauper Press
  • Stylish, affordable products
  • Something for everyone from Grandma to the kids
  • Quality that simply cannot be beat.
CONS of Peter Pauper Press
  • Having to choice an item, there are just too many
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Ends September 15, 2011

    Jif Most Creative Peanut Butter Sanwich Contest

    Now through October 12, 2011, parents can help their kids, age six to 12 submit their creative sandwich recipes for a chance to win a $25,000 college fund. To mark the 10th Anniversary of the contest, this year’s Grand Prize Winner will also receive an additional $10,000 for educational products.  A separate contest invites peanut butter fans across America to enter the That’s Why I Choose Jif Essay Contest for a chance to join the judging panel at the final event in New York, where five kid chefs will contend for the grand prize.  
    TESTING Jif Around our house peanut butter never really lasts long. So when Jif send us Jif Creamy, Jif Crunchy, and Jif Natural to try out I knew I had to act quickly. If not I wouldn't get any. My kids love peanut butter sandwiches and I love peanut butter toast. There is just something so wonderful about warm peanut butter. I have always been a fan of Jif. It's the peanut butter we ate growing up. I can still remember the commercials that would come on TV with the slogan "Choosy moms choose Jif." While I love the crunchy peanut butter I have completly fallen in love with Jif Natural  


    Tenth Annual Jif Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest  
    Now through October 12, 2011, children can put their creative sandwich-making skills to work for a chance to win money for a college education. Parents can help their children submit their own imaginative recipe online at or or by completing the downloadable entry form available on both websites.  
    Sandwiches will be judged on creativity, taste, nutritional balance, visual appeal and ease of preparation.  Qualified entrants, who submit their entry in the first six weeks of the call for entries will receive a Jif Back To School gift pack while supplies lastprovided the entry is submitted online or postmarked by September 1, 2011 and received by September 8, 2011. Ten semifinalists will be posted on both websites to take part in a nationwide online vote in January 2012.  Anyone age 13 and older can vote to help select the five finalists, who will go on to compete in New York in March 2012. 
    Entries for the Jif Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest must be postmarked by October 12, 2011 and received no later than October 19, 2011.  Online entries must be submitted by 11:59 a.m. on October 12, 2011. For complete details, Official Rules and the entry form for the tenth annual contest, visit and  The Jif Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest is open to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. between six and 12 years of age by October 12, 2011Void where prohibited. 

    That’s Why I Choose Jif Essay Contest 
    Peanut butter lovers can also compete for a seat at the judging table for the final event of the Jif Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest.  Now through October 12, 2011, fans of peanut butter can visit to submit an essay of 250 words or less in the That’s Why I Choose Jif Essay Contest, describing how they make the best choices for their families and sharing why they choose Jif Peanut Butter.  
    Entries for the That’s Why I Choose Jif Essay Contest must be submitted online by 11:59 a.m. on October 12, 2011. For complete details, Official Rules and to enter, visit The That’s Why I Choose Jif Essay Contest is open to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C., 18 and older.  Void where prohibited.                                                                                            
    Desde ahora hasta el 12 de octubre 2011, los padres pueden ayudar a sus hijos, la edad de seis a 12 que envíen sus recetas sándwich creativas para tener la oportunidad de ganar un fondo para la universidad de 25.000 dólares. Para conmemorar el 10 º aniversario del concurso, este año el ganador del Gran Premio también recibirá un adicional de $ 10.000 para los productos educativos. Un concurso invita a los aficionados separados de mantequilla de maní en todo Estados Unidos para entrar en el es por eso que elegir Concurso Jif Ensayo para una oportunidad de unirse al panel de jueces en el evento final en Nueva York, en el que cinco chefs niños competirán por el premio mayor.
    CÓMO PARTICIPAR Décimo anual Jif Maní Más Creativo Concurso de Sándwich de ahora y hasta el 12 de octubre 2011, los niños pueden poner su creatividad haciendo sandwich habilidades para trabajar por la oportunidad de ganar dinero para una educación universitaria. Los padres pueden ayudar a sus hijos que presenten sus propias recetas en línea imaginativa en o o completando el formulario de inscripción descargables disponibles en ambos sitios web. Sandwiches serán juzgados en la creatividad, el gusto, el equilibrio nutricional, atractivo visual y facilidad de preparación. Participantes calificados, que presenten su inscripción en las primeras seis semanas de la convocatoria recibirá una Jif Regreso a la Escuela paquete de regalo hasta agotar existencias - siempre que la entrada se presenta en línea o con matasellos del 1 de septiembre de 2011 y recibido por el 08 de septiembre 2011 . Diez semifinalistas serán publicados en sitios web tanto para tomar parte en una votación a nivel nacional en línea en enero de 2012. Cualquier persona de 13 años pueden votar para ayudar a seleccionar los cinco finalistas, que pasarán a competir en Nueva York en marzo de 2012.Las inscripciones para el Concurso de Sándwich Más Creativo de maní Jif mantequilla deberá tener el sello postal del 12 de octubre de 2011, y recibió a más tardar el 19 de octubre 2011. Las inscripciones en línea deben ser presentadas antes de las 11:59 am el 12 de octubre de 2011. Para más detalles, reglas oficiales y el formulario de inscripción para el concurso anual de X, visite y El Jif más creativos de maní Sandwich Concurso está abierto a residentes legales de los 50 estados de Estados Unidos y DC entre seis y 12 años de edad el 12 de octubre de 2011. Nulo donde esté prohibido.
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