Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Vampyre Kisses by: Elizabeth J. Kolodziej

Faith seems content with her life, but deep down craves more excitement. Then a mysterious man named Trent enters her world and everything changes. Surprising to Faith, Trent is a green-eyed vampire from Ireland. She is even more amazed to find out that she is a witch, and the last of her kind. Faith learns that she is destined to restore her witch line and becomes more powerful as she gains confidence and knowledge, but danger lurks everywhere -- especially when unknown assailants steal the most important gems from the vampire master and werewolf royalty. Now surrounded by a world filled with mystifying vampires and werewolves, can Faith gain enough power to help her friends and rescue the stolen gems?

Vampyre Kisses, the debut novel by Elizabeth J. Kolodziej, is more than your everyday vampire and witches story. It has it all; werewolves,gods, and more set in an imaginative world to rival that of Tolkien himself. It is very easy to find yourself lost in Faith's new life as a witch as she navigates her new found relationship with Trent,the vampire, and Z.T, the werewolf. I know what you're thinking" This has been done already" Trust me this isn't nothing like that same old, tired story. It is far more magical and entertaining and in this day of remakes, sequels and prequels in the entertainment world books have taken a center stage for all of their freshness.
 Kolodziej  did her research; she mixes fiction with real historical facts and folklore perfectly.She has woven he perfect first book for the series and I can't wait for what's to come next.
Vampyre Kisses is perfect for teens or adults. Anything younger than 15 may not fully understand.

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