Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Diva Cup Review with Giveaway

I recently discovered a product called the Diva Cup and while I was a little unsure about it at first I will say that it truly works.  The Diva Cup is a small cylindrical silicon cup.  It reminded me a little of the diaphragm’s I’ve seen on TV . It is a menstrual cup. If you have never heard of those don't feel bad I haven't either. they were first developed in the 30s and then died away.

The DivaCup Team has over 38 years of combined experience in natural feminine hygiene alternatives. Their passion is to provide women an environmentally responsible, convenient and reliable alternative to tampons and pads.



TESTING The Diva Cup

The Diva Cup is not like a tampon and yet it is in a way. As someone who has never used a tampon a day in her life I was super nervous inserting the Diva cup and I will be honest.. I did it wrong a couple of times. You will quickly learn that if it doesn’t feel right, it’s not in correctly.  This is not a matter of leakage, rather it  felt a little uncomfortable so I knew right away it was placed correctly. The one big drawback for some may be the fact that you will have to rinse out your Diva Cup. Some may not like that.  If, like me, your periods are heavy you will be rinsing more often.You also have to rotate the Cup one full circle – it says so in the instructions. after I did this, it was leak free, comfortable and a delight. It was a little more labor intensive as oppose to just putting on a pad but in the end I feel it was worth it. There are two different sizes:
Model 1: For women under 30 years old who have never delivered vaginally or by caesarean section.

Model 2: For women over 30 years old and/or for women who have delivered vaginally or by caesarean section.

PROS of The Diva Cup

  • Environmentally safe
  • Safe, medical grade silicon is known to be non toxic to our bodies. 
  • Comfortable

CONS of the Diva Cup

  • There is a learning curve to using this product. I’d suggest the first few times using a panty liner in the event that you have any leakage. 
  • It takes a least 2 periods before you are really comfortable using it

SHOP for The Diva Cup
CLICK HERE to input your zip/postal code to find a retailer near you.

WIN: Enter below for your chance to win your own Diva Cup

Ends Sept 21, 2011

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