Monday, August 1, 2011

New Giveaway Forms/Info

In order to streamline and make things a little easier for not only you but me and my staff I have created a couple of Giveaway Forms. I get more than 1000 emails a day and I know spend more than 3 hours a day just responding to emails. I fear that some may end up lost in spam or overlooked.

Now when you WIN a giveaway you will receive this email:


Youwon the ----- giveaway at Rita Reviews. Please fill out the Winner’sInformation Form within 48 hours of receiving this email.  I hope that you enjoy your prize. Thank youso much for not only taking the time to enter my giveaway but to read RitaReviews. I look forward to a lasting friendship with you.

Inthe event that you do not receive your prize within four weeks please fill outthe GiveawayComplaint Form.  There is no reasonwhy you should not receive your prize but occasionally this does happen and thisform helps my team streamline the information and get it taken care of quickly.You are very important to me and I want to be sure you receive your prize.

Youmay check the Status of your complaint at anytime by visiting thisspreadsheet.

Allof the above forms can be found on my website as well.



The forms are just an easier way for us to get things done and handled. NO I do not receive so many emails about people not receiving their prizes that has become necessary but  it does occasionally happen. Most of the time, for companies, blog prizes don't take priority so as the host I have to stay on top of them. This new form will allow my staff to do just that. The status update form will allow you to find out what i going on without having to send a email. All of the forms are on my Giveaways page, Listed in my side bar (for now), and I will add them on the scrolling giveaway widget on the top.

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