Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Favorite Networking Sites

Jessa asked me for a list of my favorite Networking Sites. There are so many you can choose from but these are the ones I use every week. What I do is set up a schedule and spend 30 minutes to-an hour each assigned day on the sites, chatting,commenting and learning. Here's my schedule:


Pitch it to Me is my favorite Networking site. I get a lot of reviews from there. I also get tons of information.

I have never gotten a review product from Mom Bloggers Club. I did win a Twizzlers prize pack once. I figure that with more than 10,000 members I am a small fish. What I have gotten from Mom Bloggers Club is followers, advice, and I have learned so much. They are big and there is a lot of information but if I have a question this is the first place I head to.


The Brand Buzz is good. the use to be The Product Review Place. I have gotten plenty of opps from them.



The Lady Blogger Society is fabulous! I attended and help moderate their conference. I cannot tell how much I learned and gained from that.

Clever Girls Network is great as well. I have had some paid reviews for them.

Below are a few new sites I have joined. I haven't done anything with them as of yet but have high hopes for them.


These are all just a place to start there are tons of networking site. I belong to some other sites as well but these are the ones I use every week to make connections and more.

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