Thursday, August 11, 2011

Staying Sane

Once you begin reviewing you are going to find that there will be days when you feel like you are going crazy. I use a couple of tools that really helps me with that.

  • Create deadlines such as all posts must be live by 12:00 EST Mon-Fri or whatever time you choose.
  • Post have a certain number of words or format (I have a Review Post Template coming next week)
  • All posts must have a photo
Any of the above will help and you can set it up the way you want it.

Editorial Calender:

This is a must! you can use it to schedule the days you are going to post and the days you are not. You can create your own or find one online. Amy Bayliss has a great one that you can download and print for free. I currently use Podio. I have a free account. The way it works is you set up work spaces and add apps. All of the apps in the app store are free and you can easily edit them to fit your needs. I have work spaces for Public Relations, Editorial Calendars, Social Media and more. I can add team members to work spaces as needed and if  I ever require it I can upgrade to a paid account. My editorial calender app allows me to have complete control.

Here is how my calender looks when I am scheduling a post:

Where it says "The Status of the Post" I have the following options ot choose from:
When I look at my calender this is the view I get:

If I click the title of a post it will give me this view:

One of the things I love about Podio is that my Editorial Calendar automatically syncs into my regular calender and I can download this one main calender to my desktop.

The trick to find what works for you.

Marketing Calender:

I am not going to show all of the views of my marketing calender because to be honest this is something I have just begun. It is all in my Public Relations Work Space. The idea is that you learn to think ahead as much as possible. I use my marketing calender to schedule any guest posts I am writing, press releases, newsletters, and more.

These are just a couple of the tools I use. There are a million other ones that other bloggers use. What works for me may not work for you.

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