Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stained Glass Hearts by: Pasty Clairmont

Stained Glass Hearts: Seeing Life from a Broken Perspective by Pasty Clairmont, discusses how all of lives become broken  because we live in a sin-stained world. Comparing the believer's life to a stained glass window, Clairmont writes how God builds a beautiful and purposeful life from the broken pieces that we often see as hindrances and setbacks.Clairmont includes suggested art pieces, music, and scripture readings for you to look at on your own.

I had never thought about my heart or my life , for that matter, in the terms of a stained glass window but now with that new perspective it seems to help all the pieces fall into place.
I really liked this book. One passage that I truly enjoyed was:

"Just as stained windows require ongoing repair and protection through the years, so do we. But you knew that. Life is a strong teacher of such things. But I have to repeat to myself some truths again and again or they slip my mind. My busy-about-many-things lifestyle can cause me to buzz right past my needs until I start to shard. Then, stopped in my tracks, this truth comes to me: 'Oh, yes. I need to be still for repairs.' To the degree I respond, I gain a healthier perspective."

We all know that we need to take time for "repairs" , to pray,or just some me time. It is the time that allows us to heal and be better people. I like that although Clairmont points out that we need to do that she does it without being condescending.

Rita's Recommendation:

I would recommend this book to anyone. It is a great book for both men and women alike.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson publishers in exchange for my honest opinion.

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