Sunday, July 31, 2011

Jewlery Bar REview with Giveaway

Jewelry is such a passion of mine. It is right up there with handbags! I enjoy seeking out companies you have not only great jewelry but pieces that complement my style, what it may be that day. Jewelry Bar is just such a company. they have necklaces, earrings, bracelets and more.

I received a Chain with Beads to review. I must tell you i really liked this necklace. It is longer and hangs very well. I enjoy that it looks great when paired with my dress pants but looks equally good with jeans and a tee. To me that is the true test and ultimately the definition of a great piece of jewelry. Anything can look fabulous with dress clothes but if a piece can make jeans and a tee look like a million dollars then you have a great piece. This necklace fits that bill beautifully.

Jewelry Bar has a lot to choose form as I said but they also have sandals that I feel really needs to mentioned. Can you just see yourself wearing a pair of these? They are beautiful! I can see myself wearing them with shorts, jeans, sundresses. They would be perfect for that one last long walk on the beach with your special someone.

{PROS} So many items to choose from.

{CONS} It's jewelry. You can never go wrong with jewelry!

{SHOP} Shop Jewelry Bar

{WIN} enter below for your chance to win these beautiful earrings

ENDS August 22, 2011

Green Babies

Every mother wants the best for her baby. None of us want our children to have to deal with harsh chemicals or other toxins. Green Babies is a company that has your baby in mind.
With this vulnerability in mind, don't worry, we've got you covered after baby is born. After years of dreaming and development, here comes Green Babies body care. Truly natural, with certified organic botanicals, food grade preservatives, scents that come directly from nature.
Count on Green Babies for ZERO:
  • SLS
  • paraben
  • petroleum by-products
  • synthetic fragrances
  • eye irritants
  • animal testing

I received several of their body care products to test and let me tell you all what I thought of them. First was the Calming Bubble Bath. Made with vanilla and organic lavender extracts. It smelled heavenly and to be honest made me want to climb in the bath and just relax. The kids really enjoyed and I was glad that I didn't have to worry too much about infections. If you don't know taking lots of bubble baths and the chemicals that are in them can lead to infections for little girls and women. Since this is organic the chances of Victoria getting an infection is lower. I also received an Energizing Bubble Bath. This too smelled wonderful and is perfect for those mornings when you need your kids to simply get dressed and be ready for the day. It's like giving them coffee without actually having to give them coffee.

Products that do more than one thing are my favorite type of products. Green Babies' baby Me Shampoo & Wash is one of those products. It's shampoo and body wash all in one. If you have ever tried to wash a squirming baby you will appreciate the fact that you don't have to fool around with multiple bottles. Of course once you wash your baby or little ones hair you have to comb it out. My daughter, like me, has curly hair. A brush or comb just doesn't run through it. So I was thrilled to try out the Smooth Me Detangler. It worked so well that I tried it on my Shirley Temple curls and it worked beautifully for me as well. So no more buying one product for her and a separate one for me.

Dry skin is also something that moms battle daily. We put all sorts of lotions on our little ones.
 What we never seem to realize is God only knows what is in some of those lotions. With Lotion Potion you know exactly what is it: aloe vera, vitamin E, chamomile. As a mother you can know that what you are doing for your baby and yourself is the right thing.

{PROS} The best thing about Green Babies is that they are so much more than just body care products. they have some organic clothing, accessories,toys and so much more. It is a company that truly cares.


{SHOP} Shop Green Babies

Lingerie Care Guide

As you all know I get about 90% of my lingerie from edenfantasys. I love the site! They are an adult shop that I really trust and enjoy. The thing is that once I get all that fabulous lingerie I need to keep it looking it's best so I thought I would share with you all some of my tips for caring for my lingerie.

Hand-wash all your lingerie in cold water using a mild detergent.  I use ONLY Woolite. You should let them soak for about 3 minutes.I soak them in the bathroom sink to soak while I am taking my shower. This way I know they soaked long enough and I feel like I am multi-tasking!

A mesh bag is the preferred method when washing your bras in the washing machine. It will help keep the bras from being wrapped around the agitator. I use a bra baby! It is a round ball that I found at Walmart. You place your bra inside and wash it. it keeps everything tucked neatly inside. The dryer is not recommended. If you have ever dried a bra with underwire you know what I am talking about.  One spin in the dryer and the underwire somehow doesn't work as well anymore


My Best Lingerie Laundry Tips

 Use the delicate cycle ONLY when washing your lingerie in the washing machine.

Gently squeeze the excess water out of lingerie or place it between two towels and press as opposed to wringing. Wringing out lingerie, even hand wringing, stretches the material, causes wrinkles, and can bend underwires.

The best method for drying is to line dry or drip dry. I hang mine over the shower (it drives my husband crazy.) Dryer shorten the life of the fabric. However, if you must use the dryer, set the controls on delicate or air dry. You a detergent that is designed for delicate fabrics as regular washing powders can cause fabrics to break down.Remember some fabrics stretch when drying so it may be best to lay them flat to dry.

All hooks and eyes should be fastened when washing machine washable. Just because it is machine washable doesn't mean that you should not use a lingerie bag and the delicate cycle.

Silk should ONLY be hand washed in cold water and dried flat. Wash colors separately. Do not ever bleach lingerie, NOT even white lingerie.

Remember if you are looking for some the best lingerie around then you need to check out edenfantasys. I promise you won't be disappointed and neither will your significant other.

Funtote Review with Giveaway

As you all know I love handbags and totes. When Funtote agreed to work with me I was thrilled. However when I was looking for a bag my daughter found one that she really loved so I had to get it for her. I am so glad that I did.

So she got the Heart-Love Cute Canvas hobo bag. It is in pink and she loves it so much.It is the perfect bag for a young girl or even a girl at heart. The cell phone pocket on the outside serves my daughter no purpose right now but that is okay. She still enjoys every single second and i enjoy that she received a well made bag.

Funtote has so much more than just hobo style bags. I really liked their Maple Tree Side Zip bag. It looks nice and roomy. There are baggy style bags as well as messenger bags and novelty bags. All of the bags are what I would consider very fashionable. they are bags that as a woman you would be very comfortable carrying everyday whether to the beach or to the office.

{PROS} Get bags, plenty of styles to choose from.

{CONS} Your daughter will want it.

{SHOP} Shop Funtote

{WIN} Enter below for a chance to win a Funtote of your choice.

ENDS August 22,2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Book Reviewers Wanted

Due to the sheer volume of book review request I receive daily I am looking to add a couple of reviewers to my site. This is NOT a paid position but you are allowed to keep any/all books you receive. I am hoping to add 2-3 to being with, adding more as needed. If you feel you would be a great fit then please fill out the application and I will review your information.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Searching for Bloggers

I am in search of Bloggers. If you follow a blog that is a Natural living or beauty blog OR  Women's careers or direct sales blog please comment to email me with the URL so I can check it out. I am in need of them fairly quickly and will be checking them out right away. Thanks a bunch!


More Veggies

Getting my kids to eat more vegetables used to be anightmare but not anymore. I have learned ways of getting them to eat them withvery little trouble, although I cannot take all of the credit. Here are some ofmy best tricks:

1.)    Babyfood: I use baby food (I love the ones in the pouches) as my sweeteners forcakes, cookies, muffins, and more. When I am baking all I do is throw in thebaby food and the kids think they are getting treats full of sugar when theyare actually getting treats filled with wholesome goodness.
2.)    Jesus’loaves: This one was all my son’s doing and I cannot take credit. He told mydaughter when she was four that broccoli was the loaves that Jesus used to feedthe thousands. Ever since then she eats it without question. I know that it waswrong not to tell her the truth but I think Jesus will understand.
3.)    KeepIt Simple: I used to put all sorts of things on top of the veggies to get themto eat them but I have learned that if I keep it simple they like them more. Sono cheeses, butter, sauces, anything. Just plain.
4.)    1Bite Rule: We have the 1 bite rule in our house. The kid must take at least 1bite no matter what it is. If they take a bite and don’t like it they don’thave to eat it but nine times out of ten once they have taken that first bitethey love them.
5.)    Smoothies:My kids love fruit smoothies so I throw in a couple of veggies when I ablending and they get it them without knowing it.
6.)    TheirChoice: When I do my shopping I allow my children to choose the vegetables theywant to eat. If they choose it willingly than they are more likely to eat it.
7.)    1New Rule: Every grocery trip includes the 1 New Rule. What we do is go to theproduce department and each child chooses 1 new vegetable to try. The guidelineis that they must NOT have ever eaten it before. I figure this will expose themto all sorts of new vegetables.
8.)    MexicanDishes: My children are Mexican so we have Mexican dishes a lot. You can hideall sorts of vegetables in there. The flavors are vibrant so the kids neverreally know everything that’s in there.
9.)    MeatlessNight: Once a month (at the least) we have Meatless Night. That means no meatat all only fruits and veggies.
 10.)  Lead By example: this is an easy one but I eatvegetables so that my children will want to follow by lead and eat them.

It doesn't have to be a battle just find things that work for you and do them. Let your kids help you in the kitchen or grow some veggies they like. If they are involved they are more likely to eat more.
“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Peas and Thank You blogging program for a gift card worth $30. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

A Style All Her Own

At some point as mothers we all go through the “I don’t wantto wear that!” argument with our children. I remember the very first one withmy daughter and I swore that moment I would never have another. So I allowedher to develop her own sense of style.

Honestly there are days when I am a little embarrassed to beseen with her after she has gotten dresses but she’s only 7 and I am determinedto not interfere unless necessary. This child will wear rain boots withdresses, cowboy boots with shorts. She loves tights and scarves. Not to mentioncolors! The more vivid and wild looking the color is, the more she loves it.

When we first agreed to the she can dress herself policy wedid lay down a few ground rules: She can NOT go naked ever, she can NOT showmore skin or wear anything that is NOT age appropriate and she WILL dress properlyfor church and special occasions, which means dresses in toned down colors.Other than that she has free reign.  

I am so glad that I did this though. She has become soindependent and more open because she is developing a sense of who she is.There are days when she tests my limits but she never breaks one of the rulesopenly. To watch her picking out her outfits is a show all of its own.

She stands in front of her mirror and begins putting onthings until she’s happy with it. This morning she put on a pair of deep purpleshorts with striped colorful knee-high socks, and a shirt with flowers.  She spun around about ten times before shedecided it was the perfect outfit. All that was left was to add pigtails and socrazy hair ties. She is dressed and ready for the day. Her dad gave me the “Whatis she wearing look” but we never say anything.

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and jcpenney blogging program, for a gift card worth $50. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”
Who knows maybe one day her sense of style will lead her toa career in fashion or maybe as she gets older she will tone things down alittle bit. When she went to public school last year I was worried but her confidencein that she dresses herself and chooses what she wears is stronger than mine asan adult has ever been. In the in that is all I could ask for as a mother.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fairytale Brownies Review with Giveaway

Brownies!! Need I honestly say more? I didn't think so but I will because these are so much more than just brownies. Fairytale Brownies definitely has the right name. They are a dream come true when it comes to those gooey chocolate wonders.

Fairytale Brownies began in 1992 when Eileen Spitanly and David Kravetz decided to put their teenage pledge of sharing their love of chocolate and brownies and shared David's Mom's secret family brownie recipe (I am so glad they did.) Although they had no experience they baked brownies at night in a friend's catering kitchen and the rest as they say is history.

I was lucky enough to get their Fairytale Medley to taste and review. This is the perfect box of brownies. You get to experience every flavor and size brownie that Fairytale Brownies offers. I received: Fairytale Sprites, which are about half the size of a traditional brownie and available in all 12 flavors, in White Chocolate, Raspberry Swirl, Mint Chocolate, Cream Cheese, Pecan, and Espresso Nib. My favorite of all of these was the Cream Cheese. It was like a wonderfully chocolate cheese cake. Too bad there was only one of them though. The Magic Morsels are small bites and only available in Original, Chocolate Chip,Carmel,Walnut, and Sugar-free( which I didn't get.) I really liked the Carmel Magic Morsels. They were gooey without making me feel gooey for eating them. they are the perfect snack size for lunch boxes and more. Finally are the Fairytale Brownies, which are the big ones. I received Toffee Crunch, Peanut Butter, and Walnut. They come in other flavors as well, 12 in all. My favorite was the Toffee Crunch. Imagine eating a soft chewy Scor bar. That is the only way I know to describe it. You get this wonderful crunch from the toffee.

Fairytale Brownies are not all brownies. They all make cookies and truffles. Although I did not try any of these if  they are half as good as the brownies I am certain they wonderful. The cookies come in six flavors, although  Peanut Butter and Mint Chocolate are not available until September 15. The truffles come in 9 flavors everyday. There are some seasonal flavors as well such as Candy Cane. They look simply to die for.

{PROS} CHOCOLATE!!! The brownies were all heavenly. They have gifts for every occasion!

{CONS} My pants haven't fit right since I ate the entire box. Yes I'm greedy at times and what kind of mother would I be if I let my children eat all that chocolate?

{SHOP} Shop Fairytale Brownies

{WIN} Enter below for a chance to win your own Fairytale Medley.

ENDS August 22, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

hip-T Review with Giveaway

How many times do you pull on your shirt during the day to keep people from seeing your booty when you bend over? What about that muffin top? I cannot tell you how many times I pull on a girdle and suffer all day so people will not notice all my fat.That is why I was excited when I was a sent a hip-T to review.

What is a hip-T you ask? To put it simply, it is like a tube top except that it goes around your waist and sticks out below your tee. The purpose of this is to hide your butt crack as well as your muffin top. I received the black basic hip-T shown above and I must tell you I fell in love. Where has this thing been all my life? It doesn't bind or pinch! I could breathe easily in it. All it did was hide what I didn't want seen. It didn't add any bulk and felt very comfortable to wear.

I wore mine as a tube top as well under a dress I add. Just the way the one in the picture is shown. What it did when worn that way was cover my muffin top and tummy pulling it in comfortably without being clingy. I hate wearing girdles under dresses because they always seem to cling to my dress and I end up looking as though I didn't iron the thing. The great thing is that they come in a variety of colors and a couple of style choices. My hip-T is one of the best products I have ever seen and I don't know how I ever lived with out it.

{PROS} Stylish,easy to wear, washes just like a tee.


{SHOP} Shop My hip-T

{WIN} Enter below to win a hip-T of your own (based on availability)

ENDS August 22,2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Babypop Designs

Children love being super heroes or super princesses and all those sort of things. Why not allow them to be whichever they choose? Babypop Designs is helping your children be all of that but with a personal touch. Babypop Design creates personalized kids capes and more.

I received one of their superhero costumes to review and I must tell you I really like it. No it was not in my size, although there was a time when I was growing up I would have put one on and jumped off the barn.  The costume that I received included a cape and mask. I was allowed to choose the cape color, whether or not I wanted a shield, lighting bolt, star, heart, circle, or crown and the color. I also was allowed to select the color of the letter I wanted on it. This gives you complete control over the personalization of the costume. The costume was well made and has survived many trips not only through the washer and dryer but also through the woods and other places that little boys tend to go.

The superhero masks are a must to complete any outfit. While mine came with the costume in a coordinating color you can purchase the cape, mask, gloves, and a tee separately. This will allow you to choose different colors for everything. Maybe your child is not sure what color they want or they want all the colors. This is the perfect way to get what you and your child really wants.

{PROS} Great quality! Babypop Designs motto is "Saving one backyard at a time." I love that!

{CONS} You may have to always play the bad guy.

{SHOP} Shop Babypop Designs

Our School Calendar

 Below is the County School Year Calendar that I use when planning my children's home school life. What I do is use the days they have listed as holidays,etc and use those as ours. While our schedule can change as needed this is just a good place for me to start. It also tells me the dates that state testing will be done. Where I live my children can get their state done at our local school on those days.


Saturday, July 23, 2011


When you are pregnant you have a hard time sleeping. One of the main reasons is because you have a new odd shape to your body. The one thing that has helped women for centuries is to place a long pillow between your legs and allow your growing belly to rest on the pillow. If you don't have a long pillow you had to use two small ones.

Now with Dreamgenii you can get that same effect without all the bulk of regular pillows and so much more. The Dreamgenii gives you not only the front support you need but also the back support. You simply place the Dreamgenii flat on your mattress with the leg support cushion (the long part) on the right. Lay down on your left side with the back support cushion under the middle of your back and gently pull the bump support up.  You will get the best night sleep ever!

You can also use the Dreamgenii as a support pillow for feeding. It is as simple as following the steps in the picture above. Dreamgenii is THE support pillow is the UK and is now available in the US. It is
"recognized as the only specifically designed support pillow to adequately support back, bump and knees at the same time without taking up all of the room in the bed, thus allowing you and your partner to get a good night’s rest." My husband loved it. He said he could finally get close to me without having to pull fifty pillows out of the way first.

{PROS} You get to sleep, your partner gets to sleep, you back doesn't kill you in the morning, I could go on and on.

{CONS} See list above and you will understand why I couldn't find anything wrong with this.

{SHOP} Shop Dreamgenii


When you have small children their favorite thing to do is throw those sippy cups and pacifiers to the floor. You spend half the day picking those things up only to have them right back on the floor. Bogginghead is one of the companies trying to help you with that. They carry a line of products such as the splat mat,which helps will those messes under your child's chair, to help moms (and dads) get through their day a little easier.

Bogginhead sent me one of their SippiGrip to try out and I will tell you that whomever came up with this idea should be given a medal. The idea is simple enough. You place the strap on your child's car seat, stroller, high chair, wherever and then attach the cup or bottle. When your child throws the cup it will not hit the floor. Instead it hangs by the strap and your child can pull the cup back up themselves. This strap worked really well but I will say that make sure your sippy cup is a no spill or drip because if not you will still end up with a bit of a mess.

Another item that I liked from Bogginhead (although I did not review it) was the Pacipouch. The idea behind this product is that you can put a couple of pacifiers in the little bag and attach the bag to your stroller where they will always be within reach. However I can see this as so much more. This little bag can have so many uses not only when your child is using pacis but for years after.

{PROS} Innovative products that make life easier.

{CONS} Bogginhead is a great company and I wish they had more products. Their line is small but the quality is unsurpassed!

{SHOP} Shop Bogginhead

Friday, July 22, 2011

Product Reviewing 101

I am starting a new feature. I get asked a lot how I began reviewing and what it takes. When I first started honestly, no one helped me. I was completely lost. So I  thought I would share some of the things I have learned and maybe help some of you who are trying to get into reviewing. This series will include blog posts as well as some webinars and more. It will be a year long series. I will be posting the topics 1-2 times a month.

The first thing you need is a blog! If you don't have one, you can get one for free. I of course use Blogger and it's great but Wordpress is a favorite as well. Whatever you choose make sure it is the right platform for you. I use the free option but you can buy your own domain/hosting and go that direction.

A couple of notes about blogging:

Don't try to set everything up at one time. Lots of times you see all the things other bloggers are doing and want all of it. Realize that while they are doing a lot, most of it didn't all happen overnight. If you know you want to do affiliate links add them but be sure you check out various programs and find the ones that fit your goals.

Realize that your blog will change as you do. As time goes by you will not always want to write the same way or about the same things. Be open and ready for those changes.

If I had it to do all of again these are the things I would do differently and where I feel you should start:

1.) Get into the right frame of mind. Blogging is business! Even if you don't intend for it to be, it is. You are responsible for all the promotion, the pitching, answering the emails, etc.

2.) Decide right away how much time you can and are willing to devote to your blog. Not just the reviews but to the maintenance and everything.

3.) Write out your goals. Do you want to be a Disney mom? Write it down so that you know where you are heading.

4.) Get a separate email address. I didn't do this at first. You will get tons of emails and need a dedicated email address.

Joining Groups/Communities:

When you first start you will be tempted to join every community you come across. I did! What I realized later is that ALL of these communities provide you with support, networking, and many other things. However they all are work as well. You have to be on there talking, connecting,etc. You can become bogged down. What I suggest is pick a handful that you really like and enjoy and stick with those. Those networks will pay off the most. It's easier to manage a handful of communities than a million. Plus you really get to connect with people instead of being the person no one really gets to talk with.

Those are the basics. Next time I will talk about the things you can be writing about before you get your first reviews as well as ways to structure different types of reviews.

May We Peek Inside Your Makeup Bag? Giveaway


Susan sent me pictures of her new bag!! Here are the Before

And here are the AFTER

The Hold Me Bag Company has  so wonderfully decided to offer their Les Fleur Makeup bag to 1 very lucky reader. This is a unique contest that will give you a unique and great bag.

"Think of your Hold Me Bag as the comparison between that gauzy, floral frock you bought that never quite fit, and your favorite classic black dress, the one you always reach for when you want to look your best.
After a lot of personal searching for that perfect fit, it took some time to develop the Hold Me Bag. The initial spark came from everyday lifestyle issues: many years living in a small beach cottage with one little bathroom; constantly packing for last-minute business travel; a promotion then a move, gaining a larger bathroom, but requiring more time at work so even less time in the morning to get out the door. So the quest for "that one bag" which would hold and organize cosmetics, brushes, and tools, keep everything at a glance, all the while saving time by streamlining the daily make-up routine, was on!"

 I will admit I am very jealous! I really want one of these bags but was offered the giveaway and I knew you all would love it. Entering is very simple. 

All you have to do is email me a picture of your current makeup bag inside or out. Whichever looks the worst!
You MUST be a follower of Rita Reviews in to enter. Sorry! I will be posting the pictures as we go. Once you send the picture fill in the Rafflecopter entry.

**If you do not receive an autoresponder...I did NOT get your entry.***

ENDS August 4, 2011

Here are the entrants pictures:




Thursday, July 21, 2011


My dad loved these cookies and I never could pronoun thename right. I use to have to call him and ask “ How do you pronoun those Germancookies you like?” Luckily I have not only learned how to pronoun the name butalso how to make them. they are mainly a holiday cookie but can be good anytime of the year.

3 c Flour, sifted
1 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/4 tsp Allspice
1/4 tsp Ground Cloves
-1/4 tsp Nutmeg
-1/4 tsp Mace
3 Eggs, beaten light
3/4 c Sugar
Juice and grated rind 1 -Lemon 2/3 c Chopped Nuts
Measure flour and sift with baking powder, salt, and spices. Add sugarslowly to beaten eggs and stir in lemon juice and grated lemon rind. Add dryingredients and nuts and mix well. Refrigerate 2 hours. Roll out 1/2"thick and cut with tiny cutter 3/4" round. Let cookies stand over night incool place on ungreased cookie sheet. Just before baking, put a drop of brandyon each cookie. Bake brandy side up in 300 deg F oven for 1/2 hour. Coolthoroughly and place in tightly covered jar.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What A Week

This week has been strained at best. God and I haven't been on the best terms. In fact at one point this week I was ready to just give up on god all together. This small voice from somewhere inside says "Don't. Just hold on and things will get better." The biggest challenge is when every single day something seems to go wrong. it is on those days and weeks when you begin to question how it is you can simply believe. How can I teach my children that I believe and trust completely in God when I feel like I don't? That is the biggest test of faith, finding a way to believe when you don't have in your heart at the moment. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Robby Wash Review with Giveaway

I admit it...I HATE doing laundry! I do, especially when my husband makes the mistake of buying powder detergent. That's what I get for sending a man to the store. You have to turn on the water and wait for the detergent to dissolve because I have found that if you don't you detergent all over your clothes and have to rewash them. So what is a woman to do? Use Robby Wash by Oransi instead! That sounds like an ad doesn't? I didn't mean for it to.

I am very mixed on this product I will be honest. I really want others to try it and tell me what you think. I am giveaway one away and would love to hear from the winner (more on that in a little while.) Robby Wash uses
unique technology incorporating macro-molecules (which are tiny ball/bead things) designed to be used in both cold and hot water. the idea is that you toss the Robby Wash ball in your washing machine and it goes to work cleaning your clothes and saving you money!

Key Features:
- Hypoallergenic and great choice as a baby laundry detergent cleaner or for someone with sensitive skin
- Cleans and protects your clothes
- Guards fabrics against oxidation and discoloration caused by chlorine in the water, and maintains your clothes' springiness
- Eliminates unpleasant smells thanks to its antibacterial action

One Robby Wash will last a year and costs $32.95 so if you are like me and spend about $20 a month on laundry detergent you are spending roughly $240 a year. See the savings? When you visit the site you will see two Robby Wash balls. The Pink Robby Wash is intended for cooler temperature washes for advanced cleaning power on dark clothing and the Blue Robby Wash is intended for both cold and hot water washes and should be used on washes that will reach temperatures of 90F or above.

 Well I used it and it worked. Honestly it did! My clothes were clean, it was simple to use, everything you would want in a laundry detergent. It even got out those underarm stains. You know the ones I'm talking about. They even smelled clean! Some "green" laundry cleaners don't have that clean smell after you've used them. I'm mixed about it for a couple of reasons:

1.) I have used it so far for general laundry washing. I live in Georgia and as the year progresses my husband will end up with the wonderful Georgia red clay all over his work clothes. If it can get that out then it is the world's best product!

2.) Will it really last a year?

So here is what I am going to do. I want to hear from all of you you have used it, my giveaway winner included! I am going to revisit this review and update over the course of the year.

{PROS} It works, is affordable,simple to use

{CONS} Still in the middle of checking all of these out.

{SHOP} Shop for Robby Wash

{WIN} Enter below to win one of your own.

ENDS August 12, 2011

Flip Flop Learning

As you all know I have working on my Spanish. Well I had the chance to work with Flip Flop Learning and I must say my Spanish as improved by leaps and bounds. Flip Flop Learning sent me several items to use and review and I really must say that not only was using them very easy they made learning and perfecting my Spanish much easier.

First was the Key to Learning Anything book. This book helped me discover my learning style using a quick test. I also learned ways to make use of that style. I found the book very helpful not just as a student trying to learn Spanish but as a teacher. I used the quiz for my children to determine their learning styles as well. I felt this will help in the coming school year as I begin to sit down and work out lesson plans. If you have a child struggling in school or are a home schooling parent I suggest you get this book. Once you learn how your child learns preparing lessons accordingly will be easy. The styles are  Visual, Audial, and Tactile or Kinesthetic. I am a little of all the styles but mainly Tactile. I have OCD however, many people labeled with ADD or ADHD use this style as well.

Next was the Bilingual Reader: Bella. I like this because I can read the story out loud in English and then read it out loud in Spanish. Edgar and the kids correct my Spanish and I correct his English. It helps all of us at one time. In the middle of the book is a list of the words in Spanish with English translation. Also it lists the way the word sounds in Spanish so it helps with the pronunciation.

The Flash Cards: Verde Set  has 45 cards with words and phrases that helped me memorize the way the words looked more than anything. I can now look at those words and phrases when written and know immediately what they mean. I don't always know how to pronounce them but I do know the meaning which is very helpful.

Finally the Flip Flop Jot really helped. I hung it on my fridge to keep up with my grocery list and then took it to the store with me. At the top is  is a phrase with three words that can be used in the phrase. For example You can say I have to eat:  Tengo comer or I have to cook; Tengo concinar. I practiced the phrases over and over again while shopping and then used them when I got home. If I mispronounced something my husband corrected it for me.

{PROS} Slip Flop Learning is wonderful. There are so many tools to help you including an app. You can also learn French, German or English as a Second Language in addition to the Spanish.

{CONS} NONE you and your children are learning.

{SHOP} Shop Flip Flop Learning.

Honest Opinions Needed

Hello all! I am considering a Blog Radio Show but I wanted to ask all of you first :

What do you think of the idea?

Would you listen and/or call in?

What would I talk about?

I could go on and on but won't. I am just looking for some general ideas before I make a decision one way or another. I was thinking of handling it the way I handle my (sort of) of everything. I would lay out a weekly or monthly schedule and follow it.

Monday, July 18, 2011


As you all already know I am a big gal so sometimes finding clothes can be a bit of a challenge. I was given the chance recently to work with Torrid and I must say I really like their clothing. They sent me a few items to review and I thoroughly enjoyed them all. Torrid carries a little of everything from tops to intimates to jeans so there is something for you.

The Red Ruffle Pleated Top looks silky but it isn't/ it is perfect for evening or day wear. I wear mine with dark jeans and heels. It dresses my look up without having to add or do too much. As a mom that is always a plus. I love that the length is long enough to hide the things I want hidden but not so long as to look like I am wearing a dress.

The Black Sandy Blazer is perfect for dressing up a tee or a sun dress. I wear it over my tube style tops when I need to dress up a little. That way when the meeting or whatever is over and I get into the car I can strip off the jacket easily. The sleeves are ruched  for added flair and the collar falls into three layers looking very elegant.

I enjoy the Belted Rayon Shorts as well. They are much more causal but that's okay. When summer started I realized I had a total of one pair of shorts that fit me. Now I have two and will  have to buy moresince Auguast is our hottest month.

The Denim Cropped Bermuda Trouser is my favorite piece. I wear these all the time. I mean I wear them whether I am dressing up with a cute top and some heels or if I running errands in tees and flip flops. They are a darker denim and so versatile.

{PROS} Stylish, affordable clothes that actually fit!

{CONS} I had trouble with the sizing. So be sure you measure yourself following Torrid's instructions and you should be fine. All else fails ask, they will tell you!

{SHOP} Shop Torrid

Be Present

I love yoga clothes! They fit so well and have such freedom of movement. That is why I am loving these Kona Pants from Be Present. They are more than just some workout clothes. I can wear these when I work, run errands, or just lay around the house.They are shown in Navy and mine were in Terracotta but they are stilll the same great pant. The capri length is perfect because I can wear it with my Keds or with flip flops if I want to. The back rise is also higher so I don't have to worry when I bend over that anyone will see anything.

Be Present has so much more than just pants, although they do have a large line with various styles of pants if you are looking for some, they have shirts that are just as great. They even have men's styles available. Be Present uses Breathe Weave fabric which is the next generation in wicking fabric. This is perfect for me because our temperatures get above 100 in the summer months so any clothing that wick away the moisture and keeps me comfortable gets my vote.

{PROS} Stylish and functional

{CONS} Choosing the color and pant I wanted was very hard.

{SHOP} Shop Be Present

Something New from Playskool

This spring Playskool rolled out a few new items. In my house, as always, anything Playskool is always a big in my household. We received a couple of items to try out and I will say I may have loved them more than the kids.

First was the Weebles on the Bus Playset. I love the Weebles they are so cute. they wobble around in their seats when the bus is pushed along. the bus has room for six Weebles and comes with a driver and a student. When you push the spinner on the top the figures twirl around in their seats. If you open the door and push the spinner again they tumble out ready for their school day. One of the best thing about Weebles is that they don't fall down so your little doesn't have to worry about making a figure stand up.

Next up is Tonka Chuck and Friends Tumble Tower Set. I grew up with my brothers playing with Tonka trucks. I'm not talking about these old plastic things either. I mean real Tonka trucks. You remember the old metal ones that lasted forever. well now Tonka had Tonka chuck the Dump Truck! He talks and so much more. This new Tumble Tower is great, it folds up so it can go anywhere and is a recreation of a scene from Chuck's Big Dare Movie.

{PROS} It's from Playskool, need I say more?

{CONS} The kids won't really let me play with them! Hateful things!!

{SHOP} You can find these and other Playskool products at retailers or shop online.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Posh Pickle is Posh Chic!

Posh Pickle is a site I found while searching for cute children's clothes. The clothes remind me of the ones my Granny use to make for me when I was growing up. You know the ones that scream "little girl!"  Posh Pickle was born when a mother discovered smocked clothing after the birth of her daughter. She loved the look and classic feel of the style of clothing and wanted to share that with other mothers. All Posh Pickle clothing is  made by the manufacturers of  other well know children's brands: Zuccini and Kelly's Kids.

I received this adorable Alligator Bishop dress to review and let me tell you it is the most adorable dress I have ever laid eyes on. The quality and workmanship is unbelievable. This is what a little girl's dress is meant to look and feel like! The green and pink complement each other wonderfully and look great together. It is available in sizes 6M- 24M, 2T and 4T.

If you think the Alligator Bishop dress is adorable you should see their other items. They have so many items, such as the swimsuit shown above. I actually had one similar to this growing up except mine had yellow polka dots. There is also bubble outfits (it's a little romper), A-line dresses, and float dresses. Some of which can be monogrammed!

{PROS} cute, affordable, quality

{CONS} your child can only wear one at a time.

{SHOP} Shop Posh Pickle

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