Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Style All Her Own

At some point as mothers we all go through the “I don’t wantto wear that!” argument with our children. I remember the very first one withmy daughter and I swore that moment I would never have another. So I allowedher to develop her own sense of style.

Honestly there are days when I am a little embarrassed to beseen with her after she has gotten dresses but she’s only 7 and I am determinedto not interfere unless necessary. This child will wear rain boots withdresses, cowboy boots with shorts. She loves tights and scarves. Not to mentioncolors! The more vivid and wild looking the color is, the more she loves it.

When we first agreed to the she can dress herself policy wedid lay down a few ground rules: She can NOT go naked ever, she can NOT showmore skin or wear anything that is NOT age appropriate and she WILL dress properlyfor church and special occasions, which means dresses in toned down colors.Other than that she has free reign.  

I am so glad that I did this though. She has become soindependent and more open because she is developing a sense of who she is.There are days when she tests my limits but she never breaks one of the rulesopenly. To watch her picking out her outfits is a show all of its own.

She stands in front of her mirror and begins putting onthings until she’s happy with it. This morning she put on a pair of deep purpleshorts with striped colorful knee-high socks, and a shirt with flowers.  She spun around about ten times before shedecided it was the perfect outfit. All that was left was to add pigtails and socrazy hair ties. She is dressed and ready for the day. Her dad gave me the “Whatis she wearing look” but we never say anything.

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and jcpenney blogging program, for a gift card worth $50. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”
Who knows maybe one day her sense of style will lead her toa career in fashion or maybe as she gets older she will tone things down alittle bit. When she went to public school last year I was worried but her confidencein that she dresses herself and chooses what she wears is stronger than mine asan adult has ever been. In the in that is all I could ask for as a mother.

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