Thursday, July 28, 2011

More Veggies

Getting my kids to eat more vegetables used to be anightmare but not anymore. I have learned ways of getting them to eat them withvery little trouble, although I cannot take all of the credit. Here are some ofmy best tricks:

1.)    Babyfood: I use baby food (I love the ones in the pouches) as my sweeteners forcakes, cookies, muffins, and more. When I am baking all I do is throw in thebaby food and the kids think they are getting treats full of sugar when theyare actually getting treats filled with wholesome goodness.
2.)    Jesus’loaves: This one was all my son’s doing and I cannot take credit. He told mydaughter when she was four that broccoli was the loaves that Jesus used to feedthe thousands. Ever since then she eats it without question. I know that it waswrong not to tell her the truth but I think Jesus will understand.
3.)    KeepIt Simple: I used to put all sorts of things on top of the veggies to get themto eat them but I have learned that if I keep it simple they like them more. Sono cheeses, butter, sauces, anything. Just plain.
4.)    1Bite Rule: We have the 1 bite rule in our house. The kid must take at least 1bite no matter what it is. If they take a bite and don’t like it they don’thave to eat it but nine times out of ten once they have taken that first bitethey love them.
5.)    Smoothies:My kids love fruit smoothies so I throw in a couple of veggies when I ablending and they get it them without knowing it.
6.)    TheirChoice: When I do my shopping I allow my children to choose the vegetables theywant to eat. If they choose it willingly than they are more likely to eat it.
7.)    1New Rule: Every grocery trip includes the 1 New Rule. What we do is go to theproduce department and each child chooses 1 new vegetable to try. The guidelineis that they must NOT have ever eaten it before. I figure this will expose themto all sorts of new vegetables.
8.)    MexicanDishes: My children are Mexican so we have Mexican dishes a lot. You can hideall sorts of vegetables in there. The flavors are vibrant so the kids neverreally know everything that’s in there.
9.)    MeatlessNight: Once a month (at the least) we have Meatless Night. That means no meatat all only fruits and veggies.
 10.)  Lead By example: this is an easy one but I eatvegetables so that my children will want to follow by lead and eat them.

It doesn't have to be a battle just find things that work for you and do them. Let your kids help you in the kitchen or grow some veggies they like. If they are involved they are more likely to eat more.
“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Peas and Thank You blogging program for a gift card worth $30. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

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