Friday, July 15, 2011

Amber's Garden Mat

As you all know I have been trying my hand at gardening. Not that I have had any luck with it but I have been trying. That's when I found and pitched Amber's Garden Mat. The idea is very simple, you prep your soil and lay down a mat.

So I got this Salad Garden Mat to review. I thought "Great I am going to get out there and get this done." The problem was it was over 100 degrees most days and I was nervous about planting anything when we had water bans. So this week it finally got below 100 and we have rain the afternoon so i got it planted. I of course don't have anything growing as of yet so this is more a preliminary review with updates to come as I get  things growing. the mat is pre-seeded with radishes, carrots, and other items that good for you.

Planting was very easy., all I did was get my soil ready by tilling it up and adding some new planting soil. Once it was all ready I laid out the mat. My mat fit better in my area than the one shown so I didn't have to cut it but I wanted you see that you could if you needed to. Once the mat was down then I covered it with more soil and waited for the rain. Typically you would water it but since it was raining shortly I waited so it wouldn't get over watered.

{PROS} Very easy to use, simple easy instructions, there is a wide assortment of mats to choose from.

{CONS} There is labor involved as you are planting items so if you don't like to do any work this may not be for you.

{SHOP} Shop Amber's Garden Mat

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