Friday, July 22, 2011

Product Reviewing 101

I am starting a new feature. I get asked a lot how I began reviewing and what it takes. When I first started honestly, no one helped me. I was completely lost. So I  thought I would share some of the things I have learned and maybe help some of you who are trying to get into reviewing. This series will include blog posts as well as some webinars and more. It will be a year long series. I will be posting the topics 1-2 times a month.

The first thing you need is a blog! If you don't have one, you can get one for free. I of course use Blogger and it's great but Wordpress is a favorite as well. Whatever you choose make sure it is the right platform for you. I use the free option but you can buy your own domain/hosting and go that direction.

A couple of notes about blogging:

Don't try to set everything up at one time. Lots of times you see all the things other bloggers are doing and want all of it. Realize that while they are doing a lot, most of it didn't all happen overnight. If you know you want to do affiliate links add them but be sure you check out various programs and find the ones that fit your goals.

Realize that your blog will change as you do. As time goes by you will not always want to write the same way or about the same things. Be open and ready for those changes.

If I had it to do all of again these are the things I would do differently and where I feel you should start:

1.) Get into the right frame of mind. Blogging is business! Even if you don't intend for it to be, it is. You are responsible for all the promotion, the pitching, answering the emails, etc.

2.) Decide right away how much time you can and are willing to devote to your blog. Not just the reviews but to the maintenance and everything.

3.) Write out your goals. Do you want to be a Disney mom? Write it down so that you know where you are heading.

4.) Get a separate email address. I didn't do this at first. You will get tons of emails and need a dedicated email address.

Joining Groups/Communities:

When you first start you will be tempted to join every community you come across. I did! What I realized later is that ALL of these communities provide you with support, networking, and many other things. However they all are work as well. You have to be on there talking, connecting,etc. You can become bogged down. What I suggest is pick a handful that you really like and enjoy and stick with those. Those networks will pay off the most. It's easier to manage a handful of communities than a million. Plus you really get to connect with people instead of being the person no one really gets to talk with.

Those are the basics. Next time I will talk about the things you can be writing about before you get your first reviews as well as ways to structure different types of reviews.

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