Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Spring Into Summer: Chico Bags

Do you know how many single-use plastic bags get thrown away everyday? The numbers are staggering. I try to use reusable bags as often as I possibly can.Chico Bag is an industry leader in the reusable bag movement and an innovator of compact reusable bags and packs. Not mention they are stylish.

I was sent a Sling rePETe to try out. It is a shoulder style bag that folds into its on small pouch with a clip. You can clip onto your keys or toss it into your purse. Where ever you put it you will always have it handy when you need it.I really liked this bag. I just tossed in my purse and had it with me everywhere. I hate lugging all those bags into the store. They take up so much room and I always either bring too many or not enough. My Chico Bag is machine washable in cold and you just hang it up to dry. It even comes with a one year warranty. Chico Bag carry a wide selections of reusable bags including Produce Stand bags,  and a Day pack. They can even customize bags for your businesses.

{PROS} Stylish, travels really well, great for the Earth!


{SHOP} Shop Chico Bags

{CONNECT} Connect with Chico Bags on Facebook and Twitter for extra entries

{WIN} As part of my Spring Into Summer Giveaway Event 2 of the gift bags I am giving away are not only packaged in Chico Bags they also come with an extra one. Enter Here for your chance to win one.

Spring Into Summer: Flings Bins

I have worked with Flings Bins in the past and love their products. This is the perfect time of year for the truly unique product that is Flings Bins.when you are having parties or picnics or even going to the lake this year you are going to want to bring a Flings bins with you. Why?

Well because they are simply the easiest trash and recycle bins to use. I received this red and white gingham picnic bin to use and for my Spring Into Summer Giveaway Event gift bags. The bin comes completely flat and then "pops" out so that it stand up straight on it's own. you fill fill it with your trash or recyclables and then once it's full tie the drawstrings and take it to the dump. It doesn't get any easier than that does it.

Flings Bins is the MUST HAVE for every party and/or event you hold this year. In fact they would even be great gifts for those who who just don't seem to know what to buy. There are so many different uses that you will want to get several. They have recycle ones and during the holidays there are holiday prints. 

{PROS}Easy to use, easy to pack up and travel with, fun

{CONS} Running Out before the summer ends!

{SHOP} Shop Flings Bins

{CONNECT}Connect with Flings Bins on Facebook  to get Extra Entries

{WIN} Each of my Spring Into Summer Gift Bags have a Flings Bin included. Enter Here for your chance to win one.

Spring Into Summer: Lindo

First up in the Lindo Twist-N-Roll Tweezers. These tweezers work more like threading. You bend the tweezers into an U shape and then twist as they roll up your face and pull out the hairs. I tried it on my upper lip. The package states that the Twist-N-Roll will keep hair away for roughly 3 weeks. This is week two and some baby fine hair is starting to come in. Word of caution: Lindo suggests placing a hot towel on the area first so the pain is less. Do It!! As soon as you feel it start to hurt pull the towel again.

Next up is the Lindo Swirly Do Hair Ties. They work like a rubber band or elastic but they don't leave those pony lines. They look like those things you put keys on then put on your wrist. They work though. Victoria loves them. She says now she doesn't get headaches when I pull her hair up anymore.

{PROS} Both products work great, love the colors for the hair ties as well.

{CONS} The Twist-n-Roll is tweezers so there is pain involved.

{SHOP} Shop Lindo

{WIN} Each Spring Into Summer Gift bag includes both the Twist-n-Roll and a set of Swirly Do Hair Ties. Enter Here

Interview with Personal Finance Expert, Pamela Yellen

Children and Finances
Interview with Personal Finance Expert, Pamela Yellen, President of
Bank On Yourself

1.  What are your thoughts on allowances?  Good idea?  Bad?
Allowances are a great idea, as long as they are tied into chores.  The earlier children learn basic financial principles, such as the exchange of goods and services for money, the better.
Too many people in our country have come to depend on others for their financial security, leaving them feeling as though they have little or no control over their future.
The writing is on the wall:  We all need to take responsibility for our financial destiny and stop relying on the government, an employer, or failing social programs.
And nothing builds a child's self-esteem faster than self-reliance.
2.   If you think they're okay, what's a reasonable age to start and how much should be given?
Children as young as age 4 can benefit.  An allowance can help teach them how to recognize coins, though they're also more likely to lose them.
The amount the child receives for chores should be based on their age as well as what you expect them to use the money for.  Will they be expected to purchase birthday gifts for friends, school lunches, or a trip to the mall, for example?  If so, the allowance needs to be able to cover that.
3.  What do you recommend children do with their earnings?
I recommend the "40/30/20/10 Saving Rule."  40% of their earnings can be used for spending, 30% should be set aside for short-term savings, 20% for long-term savings and 10% for donating.
If children sort their money into these categories every week, they will develop responsible lifelong money-management skills at an early age.
4.  How do you encourage children who are bombarded with advertisements for the latest gadgets and who are also pressured to "keep up with the Joneses" at school to save?
Trying to "keep up with the Joneses" almost brought our country to its knees.  The key is in helping your children understand the difference between a "need" and a "want."  Hold regular "family night" discussions with the whole family during which you go over the family budget and review where the money is going.
Helpful Tip:  Have your children write out the checks to pay family expenses.

Teaching by example is absolutely critical.  If you tell your children one thing, but do another, they will catch on very quickly.  Explain how there are things you'd like to buy that you decided to forego and why.
And always look for things you can do as a family that cost little or no money, to create experiences and lasting memories.
5.  What approach do you recommend parents take when talking with children about finances? 
Many couples don't have regular, honest discussions about money with each other, let alone talk to their children about it.
The time to start is today.  Be honest about where you are financially and where you wan to be.  Walk the talk.  Read "The Richest Man in Babylon," by George Clason, out loud as a family.
And don't be afraid to openly discuss the mistakes you've made and what you've learned from them.
About Pamela:
As a consultant to financial advisors, Pamela Yellen investigated more than 450 savings and retirement planning strategies seeking an alternative to the risk and volatility of stocks and other investments. Her research led her to a time-tested, predictable method of growing and protecting savings now used by more than 400,000 Americans. Pamela's book, BANK ON YOURSELF: The Life-Changing Secret to Growing and Protecting Your Financial Future, is a New York Times Bestseller. She has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, NPR and in The Huffington Post, Fortune Small Business and hundreds of other publications. Learn more at www.BankOnYourself.com and www.BankOnYourselfNation.com, her new financial education site. For more tips from Pamela on children and finances, check out 7 Steps to Set Your Teens on a Lifelong Path to Financial Success.

Spring Into Summer: Corazonas

As you all know I am alwasy on the look out for healthy snacks. My family is working towards eating better and learning to snack better is one of the most important things for us because we love to snack. That's why I was thrilled to be able to work with Corazonas. If you are not familiar with Corazonas they are a great heart healthy snack company that I have just fallen in love with. Corazona is heart in Spanish so the name is a perfect fit.I was sent several snacks to try out and a box for my Spring Into Summer Giveaway Event, but I'll get into that later. First let me tell you all about the snacks.

The first snacks we tried we the potato chips. My kids love chips so these were a great place to start. We were sent  three different kinds. The Italiano 4 Cheese Potato Chips were my favorite of the chips. They tasted like real cheese, I'm not kidding you could taste the cheese with every bit. They were a little harder than normal chips, more like kettle style chips but they were very good. The Spicy Habanero Chips were hubby's favorites. He loves anything spicy and these fit the bill perfectly. He said it reminded him of some chips he used to get in Mexico. The kids tried the Parmesan Peppercorn chips and they liked them alright. Most of the time if it's not covered in orange cheese they won't touch them so the fact that ate these was a step in the right direction.

We  received three types of tortilla chips as well. I tried only one of these because my husband is crazy for tortilla chips and he ate them at lunch time. I had the Black Bean and Cheese, which was okay. They were a bit too spicy for me but not bad. Hubby had the Lightly Salted and Squeeze of Lime chips and he loved them.

The other items we received were Oatmeal squares. These bars are full of fiber and I am really trying to add more fiber so I ate all of these. My favorite two were the Banana Walnut, which tasted just like eating real banana nut bread without all the guilt, and Chocolate Chip, which was better than any cookie I have ever had. The Peanut Butter was good as was the Cranberry Flax but the Chocolate Brownie and Almonds wasn't for me at all. It was a little too much chocolate.

{PROS} Heart Healthy food!, Proven to lower your cholesterol.

{CONS} Don't eat too of the oatmeal squares, the fiber really works!

{SHOP} Shop for Corazonas

{LOCATE} Locate a Store Near you

{WIN} Told you I'd get to this! As part of my Spring Into Summer giveaway Event, one lucky reader will win a gift bag that includes a box Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Squares from Corazonas. Enter Here

{CONNECT} Connect with Corazonas on Facebook and Twitter for extra entries.


Faith is such a simple word yet it has so many meanings to so many different people. My faith has been tested and I hope came out stronger although there are still days when I am not so sure. Faith is very different for every religion as well. I was raised Roman Catholic and remain one. My siblings however have gone on to find religion and faith in their churches. We were also allowed to find faith as we saw fit. My father was a devout Catholic but realized that what he was compelled to believe is not necessarily what we as adults are compelled to believe. My younger brother attends what I call a “new age” church. He wears jeans and they play regular music. His church is very popular, they have several campus and several thousand members. My sister attends a Baptist church with her husband. I don’t criticize or knock what they believe, jus as they don’t my beliefs.

I am content with Catholicism although I may not be what you would call a traditional Catholic. I believe in confession, but do not go. My confessions take place usually in the bathroom. For some reason it seems to be the place I converse most openly with God. I think because I am usually completely alone and undistracted. I say the rosary, although not as often as I should. I have at times taken my petitions or prayers to various saints because I live the real world and God is busy.

My belief system is different than most peoples because I feel that it is okay to be angry at God, to yell and scream at him, the same as a spoiled child might do their parents. I think God understands and would most likely slap me if he could. My relationship with God is more than the unseen figure. To me he is very real, whether I can see him or not. I carry on conversations with him the way I would a friend or parent. I ask questions, ask, and beg, whatever I feel. The greatest gift I think my father ever taught me was that it was okay to belief differently than someone else. He always told us to not settle for what other think you should believe, but to follow our own hearts. That if God speaks to us in the bathroom, then he speaks to us in the bathroom. There is no shame, no fear in it.

Because I Said So

I use to hate hearing those words when I was growing up. I swore I would never use them. They seem to come out though don’t they? No matter how hard you try as a mother to not be like yours you always end up there. Sometimes I hear myself say things and think “Wow! I’ve turned into momma.” It’s not always a bad thing but with my kids I always wanted to somehow be better. My mother was the super mom, in the sense that she worked, cooked, cleaned and raised four kids. Now that doesn’t mean she is without her faults. I always thought I can do all of that but better. Boy was I ever wrong!!

There are days when I feel like I am barely swimming with my head above water. I find myself getting more and more behind or worse putting things off to take care of the needs of the kids or someone else. At 34 there was so much more that I had wanted to accomplish. At least more that I would have had liked to have. I had hoped to have a child of my own by now (my children are my step children and we are currently working on that baby of our own.) I had also hoped to be settled in some sort of job although I am thrilled to be an Independent Consultant for alex + von. I had also never though my marriage would have the issues it has had.

However back to being mom! I have found that when all other explanation fails, and trust they always seem to fail, the best answer seems to be the time tested “Because I Said So.” Practice saying often to your kids. They will swear they’ll never say it, but I promise you they will

Monday, May 30, 2011

Build A Sign Review with Something Extra

I have a Bumper Sticker! That's right build A Sign was so  wonderful to provide me with some bumper stickers that I myself created. The above bumper sticker is the one I made. I went to Build A Sign and their site walked me through the process step by step. It was very easy and I loved the choices. There are so many styles for you to choose from you may have a hard time.

Build A Sign is of course so much more than just bumper stickers. They also have signs. If you are looking for or need a sign made for everything from yard sales to your personal business then Build A Sign is the company you want! You can also get magnetic car signs as well. The custom process is so easy that choosing another company would be a mistake.

Build A Sign provides license plates too. Like the above birthday license plate, which s something different for me. I had never seen one of those before, but you can get everything from event to a persoanlized plate. I know where I am going for my new license plate.

{PROS} Very easy to navigate, very easy to order and build my design

{CONS} Deciding which product to purchase

{SHOP} Shop Build A Sign

{FREE} Would you like a Rita Reviews bumper sticker? Well i have a few to give away and will give one to anyone who asks. Just contact me with Bumpper Sticker in the subject line and provide me with your USPS mailing address.

My Top 3 Lingerie Picks from Edenfantasys

As you all know I am an Edenfantasys Ambassador and I love being one. Edenfantasys is the one adult toys shop that I trust with a lot of my lingerie purchasing needs. I want to share with you all today my top 3 picks for lingerie.

This Ecstasy Embroidered Satin Nightdress by Coquette is a piece that I would wear under a sexy dress. Yes it's a nightdress but just imagine hubby helping you out of your dress and finding this underneath it. My hubby would be super happy. I am big fan of the sexy without being trashy lingerie and this piece fits that bills perfectly. At $48.99 it is a great price. The cups are slightly padded to give you a little extra lift and the dress part is microfiber which means it is forgiving of a less than perfect body. This piece also come a with g-string panty so you are all set for a night out or in whichever you decide.

This Pinstripe Chemise by DreamGirl is another great, classy, sexy piece without being trashy. The chemise is a piece I would wear everyday. It is super smooth and stretchy so it is super forgiving and flattering for us larger gals. It is beautifully detailed with delicate lace in all the right places. In fact it could be pair with a bra and worn as a super sexy slip under a dress as well. I love pieces that are multi-functional. It's priced at $39.95 and comes with a thong.

 For something a little softer and more feminine try the Fetish Femme Pink babydoll by DreamGirl. This set is amazing! It comes with a g-string and a cute choker for you to wear. I love the pink color, it really makes it very pretty and cute.  For me when i look good i feel good and this piece is definitely a for me piece more than for him. If you would like to make it a little more for him the good news is that it comes in black as well which will make most men happy. The price isn't bad either at $ 26.99

Those are my three top lingerie picks from Edenfantasys. Head over and check it all out and find your perfect pieces. If you do find the piece that you love come and back let me know. I would really love to know what you think of the lingerie.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Great Site To Get Coffee!

I don't know about your homes but at my house coffee is a huge part of our daily lives. We drink at least a pot a day and I am always looking for new and different coffees to try out. When I was asked to write a sponsored post about a coffee site I thought okay. I am always unsure about these types of post but after visiting the site and seeing what all they offer I want to order!!

If you are looking for gourmet coffee beans then ROASTe.com is the place for you! It's not your ordinary everyday coffee site. They have a community where coffee lovers can talk and share coffee stories. It has recipes, coffee news and other articles. It was really a nice environment and something i had never been a part of before.

ROASTe.com offers Klatch coffee. Klatch is a gourmet brand that been in business since 1993. the buy from only the top 1% of beans available and they roast in small batches to ensure optimum flavor and freshness.I have never tried Klatch brand of coffees before but after checking out ROASTe.com I want to try their Crazy Goat Blend. Who wouldn't want to drink something called Crazy goat. it just sounds like it will wake you right up.

Another brand that ROASTe.com offers is Douwe Egberts. Douwe Egberts has been in business since 1753 and has been allied to the Sara Lee Corporation since 1978 and is one of the top three largest coffee roasters in the world. When you have been in business that long you know something about coffee. I have tried their Aroma Red Ground Coffee before and must tell you it is one of the best coffees I have ever had.

Those of course are only two of the wonderful brands ROASTe.com offers it's customers. They are currently running a special as well, where you can get 5 Coffee Origins for only $9.99. This a great deal. ROASTe.com
They even offer you the opportunity to subscribe and save 10% on Coffee Tours. A Coffee Tour allows you to get your coffee selections on your delivery schedules.

{PROS}ROASTe.com is a super easy site to navigate, they offer so much more than coffee such as accessories and coffee makers. They even offer wholesale and gifts.

{CONS}The only con would be if you don't like coffee but then you may be looking for a gift and this would a truly unique gift for a coffee lover.

1-2-3 Get Organized! Review and Giveaway

As you all know I have working on getting things a little more organized and running more smoothly. A BIG help has been some handy little books I got from 1-2-3 Get Organized!

First was the Three Steps to Time Management for the Stay-at-Home Mom. you ever feel like the day just seems to get away from you? I do all the time. When you are a sty-at-home mom people assume you have nothing to do all day. If they only knew! This little guides gives you three simple and easy steps to manage your time. It's divided into three easy chapters that can be read in one trip to the potty. Don't deny it! You know this is where you do all your reading and heavy thinking too. I learned how to let the little things go and just to accomplish those things in the day that were most important but to also be more flexible about things.

The next book Three Steps to Organizing Your Office was a God send. Before this handy little guide my office area was shameful.  Things tend to pile up and I always seem to have such a hard time getting things together. For those of you who are not reviewers you would not believe the amount of materials we get. I get press release, assets (paper explaining the product or company) with products I receive, not to mention the books. I have huge piles of books. Now I have things much more organized thanks to this little guide. It's another one of those quick reads, but it's straight to the point which I of course adore!

Finally there was Three Steps to Planning Dinner. Dinner is always the one time of the day where I need a lot of planning. I am never sure what to make from day to day. When my husband and I first got together he would write out what he wanted me to cook every night because I was always at a lost. i am a great cook but it's the planning that gets me. This book helped me learn how to plan meals for the week and make sure they were wholesome at the same time.

Beverly Coggins is the mastermind and genius behind 1-2-3 Get Organized. she is a true life saver.

"Organization is my passion, not as an end in itself, but as a means to an end. When my home, office, and life are organized, I have more time and energy to devote to my family, my friends, and my faith in Jesus Christ. During my 26 years coaching within a non-profit, I became fascinated with personality profiles. After becoming trained as a Myers-Briggs Personality Type facilitator, I started my own business helping people master the key areas of life and business: interpersonal relationships, clarity of focus and priorities, maximizing time and energy, and organizing space - both at home and at the office."  from 1-2-3 Get Organized website. You can read more there.

{PROS} Easy to read books, no fancy and big words, no changes so major that you wouldn't want follow through.

{CONS} The biggest con I could see was someone just being to set in their ways to make the changes, if that's the case these books aren't for you anyway.

{SHOP} Shop 1-2-3 Get Organized!

{WIN} Enter below to win these great books for yourself!

Just for You Jessa!

Jessa, one of my wonderful followers and fellow Georgia mom commented on my new blog look. I agree with her about the no image thingy on posts where there is no image, so my solution is to simply post some image regardless. At least until I can figure out how to make the needed adjustments. So Thank YOU Jessa for following my blog and taking the time to share your thoughts with me.

Jessie Steele

Move over June Clever!!  That's how fabulous I feel when I put on my new apron by Jessie Steele. I am of course anything but June Clever. Most aprons are fairly standard nowadays. They are that one size fits most which means men or women. Jessie Steele aprons are different. They are designed for a woman and to take you back to a time when hosting and entertaining was the norm.

I received the above Kitchen Cherry Apron. Isn't it just too cute and sexy for words. When I put it on I somehow feel different. In fact I want to put on a dress and heels under it every time I put it on. It just has that sort of effect on me. I love that the apron fits my curves in just all the right places. The flower is a nice touch as well. The aprons come in your choice of two styles: Hostess, which is the little half apron your grandma may have worn, and Chef's, which is the full bib style like what I got.

Jessie Steele has much more than just aprons (although those are pretty great.) There Kitchen Store has everything you need. I don't mean appliances but everything you need to make your kitchen look fabulous, such as oven mitts, towels, and even totes!

Jessie Steele even has a wonderful selection of children's aprons. So you could purchase one for you and your daughter. she will love that she gets to be just like you. They are so cute and I just wanted to buy them all. Victoria will love getting one of these, I think I am going to get her one for Christmas.

If you run a hair salon or just do your own hair a lot at home Jessie Steele has some great items for you as well. The capes are super cute and the robes are, well check out the one to the left. I want for myself.

{PROS} Just look at the pictures! What is not to love about them. the site is super cute and very easy to navigate.

{CONS} NONE I could find, except only being able to wear one at a time.

{SHOP} Shop Jessie Steele

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Little News

A few things:

1.) YES, I changed how the site looks. I hope that you find this much more eye appealing and user friendly. I wanted to streamline things and to be honest I hate sites where there are a million things in the sidebar. I worked hard so let me know what you think.

2.) As you may have already seen I have a new program for giveaways from here on out. I hope you like the new process. it will make things much easier. For example if you get get 3 extra entries for doing something you simply do it and then click a link and get 3 extra entries, no more having to enter a million comments.

3.) ALL giveaways that have ended will have winners posted no later than Monday! I will be gettingi this done tomorrow, Lord willing.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mexican Potato Salad

I love potato salad and we make a ton of it in the summer time. This is my Mexican version which i have adjusted to my tastes. I always add more of the spices to another bowl for my hubby. He loves his hot so adjust it however you need to to suit your tastes. I make mine the night before so the flavor have plenty of time to blend.


  • 3 lbs small red potatoes, quartered

  • 1/2 cup chopped celery

  • 1/2 cup chopped green pepper

  • 1/2 cup chopped onion

  • 1 cup frozen corn, thawed

  • 2/3 cup mayonnaise or 2/3 cup salad dressing whichever you prefer

  • 1/4 teaspoon chili powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

  • 1 tablespoon cilantro

  • 1/2 cup roasted jalapeno peppers

  •  1 tbsp mustard. ( I add this simply because I grew up with mustard potato and it's look thing with me)

  •  3 boiled eggs, chopped.

  • Directions:

    1.  Cook potatoes in boiling water 10-12 minutes or until fork-tender; drain; rinse with cold water; drain well.
    2. In a large mixing bowl, mix mayonnaise (or salad dressing) and seasonings. Add potatoes, celery, pepper, onion, and corn. Gently mix all together to coat. Chill

    1 Mini Me Review and Giveaway

    When you are searching for a gift for someone it can be a difficult task. Especially when that person already has everything under the sun. I always hate buying for people like that. What do you get them? I have found that  sometimes the best gifts are custom gifts. You the ones they don't have and can't re-gift to other people.

    That's what I love about 1 Mini Me. It is a truly unique gift that no one could ever give away to someone else. You can give someone a customized bobblehead Each bobblehead is completely  unique and handmade. They do not use any computer printing software to keep the product's originality.The customer can modify the sculpture and the painting as many time as he or she requires and each item is molded to ensure quality and durability. ! Mini Me has 500 different models that are available plus there is even a category where you can choose your own clothes and positions. Custom bobbleheads are one of those rare gifts that I know people love. There is just something about them that you can't quite explain. These would make great gifts for parents or newlyweds! Getting your bobblehead is easy you simply select the bobblehead you want, upload your photo, and off you go.

    Another great product by the creators and brilliant minds of 1 Mini Me is custom portraits. Just look at the example above. Who would not want to receive that painting? Like the bobbleheads the painting come in a very large variety of styles. You can get just your basic or can spice it up a little by  choosing to look like a favorite tv charcter, or famous masterpiece such as Dorian Gray.

    {PROS} This is the gift that no one will want to return. The site is very easy to navigate.

    {CONS} Choosing a bobblehead or painting.

    {SHOP} Shop 1 Mini Me

    {WIN} Enter below for a chance to win your very own custom bobblehead (a $90 value including shipping)

    Wednesday, May 25, 2011

    Leave No Trace by: Roxe Anne Peacock Review and Giveaway

    Jessica Waters was looking forward to attending college in the fall with her best friend, Sandra Adams. But after Sandra disappears, mutual friend, Jason Harris becomes the number one suspect. However Jason isn’t the only suspect  Sandra admitted to having an affair with her coach the night before she disappeared.. Now Jessica is determined to figure out what happened Sandra even if it is the last thing she ever does.

    The New Mexico setting for Leave No Trace is perfect. This story would no have worked anywhere else I don't think. Jessica is strong and determined both qualities are sometimes hard to portray in a book. A lot of the time strong and determined girls/woman come off as hard when you read the words. it was very easy for me to picture Jessica searching for the answers she needed. She is the friend we all want in life.

    When Roxe Anne and I first became Facebook friends I always loved the things she posted. Being Facebook friends with several authors I noticed that Roxe Anne was more artistic than others (not that they are any less amazing. ) So when she was looking for someone to review her book I jumped at the chance to read her work. I am so glad that I did.

    Roxe Anne has written a story worthy of Nora Roberts (and you all know how I feel about Ms. Roberts.) This is a story that is not perfect for adults but for teens as well which rare.

    Rita's Rating:

    1 lucky reader will receive a copy of this great book for themselves!

    To Enter:
    Tell what you think makes a great summer read. {mandatory for entry}

    Extra Entries:

    {FOLLOW} Follow/or be a Followers Rita Reviews (2 extra entries, must be verified to count)

    {FACEBOOK} Interact with Rita Reviews on Facebook (link in sidebar) (2 extra entries=2 comments)

    {MORE FACEBOOK} Interact with Roxe Anne on Facebook (2 extra entries=2 comments)

    {TWITTER} Follow me/or be a Follower on Twitter (link in sidebar) (2 entries=2 comments)

    {MORE TWITTER}Tweet about this Giveaway using hashtag #SpringIntoSummer @ritareviews with the link to this post after following me. (Daily Tweet allowed, just post link here 5 entries= 5 comments)

    {GIVEAWAY ENDS}   June 20, 2011 at 11:59 EST. Winner will be drawn using random.org, emailed and then announced on the Winner Board.

    {OPEN TO} US.

    Tuesday, May 24, 2011


    I love shirts! That's why I love Cafepress. They have so many different shirts and other items designed my so many different people. I was lucky enough to be sent this Soy Perfecta tee which is perfect for me because I am after all perfect!

    I love this tee. I wear it now anytime I want my husband to see things my way. It says I am Perfect in Spanish and when you are wanting your hubby to take your side you want to be sure he understands you completely.

    Cafe Press is a great online shop with so many different tees. They have tees for men, women, grandmas, kids, you name it they have it. the best part is if they don't have it you can design it. Cafe press has so much more than just tees. they also have lots of other clothing items to choose from.

    Cafe Press also has a great line of water bottles that you can design, personalize and more. There is even shot glasses and other drink ware. There is something for every one. If you have never visited Cafe Press today is the day. I promise you will find what you are looking for.

    Remember how I said you can design your own tee or other items? Guess what? You can actually make money off your designs by creating your very own online store. I have and will be adding designs and sharing them with you all a little later on.

    {PROS} Something for everyone, the site is very easy to navigate

    {CONS} Having to make a decision

    {SHOP} Shop Cafe Press

    Ten Good Reason To Lie About Your Age by: Stephanie Zia

      Summary From Back Cover:

    When Sally Lightfoot's music producer husband is suddenly killed in an accident, Sally has to put her life back together from scratch. But what life? Her kids have grown up and now she’s no longer a wife. Or a business partner and backing singer. Or even a caterer to the endless turnover of rock bands passing through Strawberry Hill Studios' kitchen. To make matters worse her caring but interfering neighbour, Val, appoints herself Principal Grieving Companion.

    One year on and harmonising and blending in have become Sally's undoing. Sally determines to follow the ten point action plan in her self-help book How to Win as a Widow. She reconnects with her old friend, feisty ex backing singer mate, Ramone, who sexes up Sally's list considerably. Sally must get out there again and lose her wididity, her born-again virginity, Ramone insists, before it's too late. The idea only makes Sally miss her irreplaceable husband even more.

    Are Gardener's Question Time and cosy nights in with Sudoku and the telly as good as it's ever going to get? Will Sally decide to age gracefully or disgracefully?

    This is the best book ever! That is the only way to describe it! This book came along in my calendar at the right moment. Things have been a bit bleak of late and this was just the right amount of pick me up I needed. Ms. Zia has outdone herself. The book is witty, charming and some truly funny parts. The best thing is the funny parts always come at just the right moment.

    Rita's Rating:

    Witch Woman by: Jeanette Baker

    From back cover;

    In two different centuries, four hundred years apart, the lives of Abigail March and her daughter, Maggie, play out along parallel lines, both women blessed and cursed by a selective birthright and marked with a startling mutation, heterochromia iridium, one brown eye, the other blue.

    In 1692 Abigail and three-year-old Maggie, are accused of witchcraft. Most women who found themselves facing the hangman’s noose during this shameful time are innocent. Abigail is not. Summoning her powers, she sends her child through a time portal into twentieth century Salem.

    Maggie grows to maturity knowing nothing of her birthright until her foster mother’s death bed confession. Using her clairvoyant abilities and the medium of an ancient spinning wheel, she resurrects her past through a series of troubling dreams.

    Meanwhile Abigail locates the time portal and slips through, changing her identity, hoping to find her child and bring her home through the narrowing portal.

    Unknown to both women are the dangers of the old world’s dark forces, a swiftly narrowing time portal, and a missing child who desperately needs Maggie’s “sight” a sight that continues to blur as her ties to old Salem strengthen.

    This is another one of those rare books that I found myself enjoying. I was always told as I am sure most of you were to never judge a book by it's cover or at least not by the blurb you get in the PR release. I typically only agree to review books that peak my interest. I have to be choosy because I more than 100 book review requests a day. I simply cannot read that many books a month although I give it a good try. When I first started reading  I thought why did I agree to read a book about witches? Must have been one of those lost my mind moments. 

    As I read more I realized this would be a book I would read many times before finally putting it on the shelf so to speak. I am that way. If I like a book who knows how many times i will read it.  Witch Woman is one of those dramatic books that pulls at the heart strings. While witches are a large part of the story they are a mere backdrop to the struggle these women have. They struggle of a mother trying to do what is best for her daughter. The struggle of a woman wanting to help a missing child. Ms. Baker has become one of new favorite authors. Her words flow off the page and you can see the story unfold in your mind's eye.

    Rita's Rating;

    Karma and Meoldies by: Katie Salidas

    The music scene was always Kendra's passion; it was when she was visiting her favorite hangout that she first met her Master, the vampire that turned and now controls her. However this is the same hangout  where she met Marcus, the man of her dreams, an up and coming musician.

    Escaping her master, Kendra finds herself back in that place. The band has gained notoriety and packs in a crowd. Despite her blood lust, she finds herself drawn to Marcus as he sings his song of love and loss. Knowing she must leave before her need begins, she goes seeking a place to spend the night.

    Crossing the road into the shadows, she is unaware of the car speeding towards her. The impact is brutal and weakens her body. Knowing she needs blood to rebuild her strength, she goes to the closest source, the driver of the vehicle. Little does she know until it is too late that the driver is Marcus. She has now become his Master.

    This not only creates issues with his band mates, but her own Master has been seeking her and she is well aware that he will make an example of her rebelliousness. Every one in the band is now in danger. She has to trust them with her secret to keep them safe, and because of this, there is a lack of trust. Can she keep them from harm, as the Master tracks her and prepares to teach her a lesson? A lesson that does not allow love or friendship?

    This is a wonderful love story first and foremost. I usually don't go for vampire stories. In fact this is only the second I have ever in my life read that I truly enjoyed enough to reread it a second time. Ms. Salidas has done a wonderful job of weaving a story of struggle. Struggle with how you are, struggle with love and how to realize that despite the obstacle it is real and attainable.

    Rita's Rating:

    Monday, May 23, 2011


    As you all know I am going green! I have switched from using plastic grocery sacks. That is why I am dying to tell you all about Envirosax. They have taken reusable bags to the next level.

    I received  a Cherry Lane No 5 Bag that is so super adorable. It's a designer reusable bag! All of the Cherry Lane bags are beautiful and functionable. I love how easy it is to use and even easier to make sure you always have your sack with you. The bag folds up so small that you can keep it in your handbag or like me in your glove compartment in the car. That way it is always right there where I need it to be. I know you are wondering why do I keep in the glove compartment as opposed to my handbag. well the answer is simple I can't tell you how often I am unloading things from the car that the kids have left in there and think "I need to go get a bag to put all this in and take it into the house." Now I just grab my envirosax and load it up carry the items in the house and put them away.

    Envirosax has so many different sacks that you can choose from. I like their Minisax. It is the perfect size for taking your lunch or water with you to work or school. Although Victoria says I should buy her one of these to use as handbag because they are super cute and cool! Let it to my daughter to want something different.

    These Slingsaxs are pretty awesome too! Don't you just love the colors and designs. This bag would be great for me because I walk a lot and could put everything I need into it and then just go from there.

    {PROS} The site is so easy to navigate, the bags are beautiful, there is something for everyone.

    {CONS} My daughter wants to buy 50 and carry them all at one time!

    {SHOP} Shop Envirosax
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