Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Because I Said So

I use to hate hearing those words when I was growing up. I swore I would never use them. They seem to come out though don’t they? No matter how hard you try as a mother to not be like yours you always end up there. Sometimes I hear myself say things and think “Wow! I’ve turned into momma.” It’s not always a bad thing but with my kids I always wanted to somehow be better. My mother was the super mom, in the sense that she worked, cooked, cleaned and raised four kids. Now that doesn’t mean she is without her faults. I always thought I can do all of that but better. Boy was I ever wrong!!

There are days when I feel like I am barely swimming with my head above water. I find myself getting more and more behind or worse putting things off to take care of the needs of the kids or someone else. At 34 there was so much more that I had wanted to accomplish. At least more that I would have had liked to have. I had hoped to have a child of my own by now (my children are my step children and we are currently working on that baby of our own.) I had also hoped to be settled in some sort of job although I am thrilled to be an Independent Consultant for alex + von. I had also never though my marriage would have the issues it has had.

However back to being mom! I have found that when all other explanation fails, and trust they always seem to fail, the best answer seems to be the time tested “Because I Said So.” Practice saying often to your kids. They will swear they’ll never say it, but I promise you they will

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