Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Saints for Sinners Review

As a Catholic I am familiar with the different saints. For those of you who are not we have various whom we feel can help us in various areas of prayer and other things. I personally have a Miraculous Medal, which is Mary and Jesus. I was given the medal years ago by my father and is one of the only items I have left from him. When I contacted Saints for Sinners to work with them I knew I didn't want a medal for myself but something for the special person in my life.

My husband is also Catholic and he has a Our Lady of Guadalupe Medal in his truck but i wanted a medal for him that was truly him. So I chose Saint Joseph the Worker. Saint Joseph the Worker is the patron saint of carpenters and foster fathers. He is also the patron saint of Faith and Trust. The back of the medal has another saint on it, Saint Dymphna. Saint Dymphna is the patron saint of mental illness. Everything I have ever wanted to say and convey is there in that little medal and Edgar completely understood what was being said. While neither Edgar or I have mental illness the medal was perfect. Saint Joseph represented everything in Edgar that I see while Saint Dymphna represents the struggle we have had as a couple and how at times it's mentally and emotionally hard.

Saints for Sinners is located in New Orleans and each medal has a hand painted saint on one side and another saint on the back. The medals are beautiful and have been worn by such celebrities as Paula Deen, Robbi Williams, and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. If you are unfamiliar with saints you can read all about the various saints and their stories.

{PROS} These are beautiful works of art.You can even order custom medals with your choice of colors and more.


{SHOP} Get your Saints for Sinners medal.

{SHARE} Want to know who your saint is? Saints for Sinners will tell you by simply filling out a form. If you do find out yours come back and share it with us. As soon as I get mine I'll post it in the comments.

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