Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Spring Into Summer: Corazonas

As you all know I am alwasy on the look out for healthy snacks. My family is working towards eating better and learning to snack better is one of the most important things for us because we love to snack. That's why I was thrilled to be able to work with Corazonas. If you are not familiar with Corazonas they are a great heart healthy snack company that I have just fallen in love with. Corazona is heart in Spanish so the name is a perfect fit.I was sent several snacks to try out and a box for my Spring Into Summer Giveaway Event, but I'll get into that later. First let me tell you all about the snacks.

The first snacks we tried we the potato chips. My kids love chips so these were a great place to start. We were sent  three different kinds. The Italiano 4 Cheese Potato Chips were my favorite of the chips. They tasted like real cheese, I'm not kidding you could taste the cheese with every bit. They were a little harder than normal chips, more like kettle style chips but they were very good. The Spicy Habanero Chips were hubby's favorites. He loves anything spicy and these fit the bill perfectly. He said it reminded him of some chips he used to get in Mexico. The kids tried the Parmesan Peppercorn chips and they liked them alright. Most of the time if it's not covered in orange cheese they won't touch them so the fact that ate these was a step in the right direction.

We  received three types of tortilla chips as well. I tried only one of these because my husband is crazy for tortilla chips and he ate them at lunch time. I had the Black Bean and Cheese, which was okay. They were a bit too spicy for me but not bad. Hubby had the Lightly Salted and Squeeze of Lime chips and he loved them.

The other items we received were Oatmeal squares. These bars are full of fiber and I am really trying to add more fiber so I ate all of these. My favorite two were the Banana Walnut, which tasted just like eating real banana nut bread without all the guilt, and Chocolate Chip, which was better than any cookie I have ever had. The Peanut Butter was good as was the Cranberry Flax but the Chocolate Brownie and Almonds wasn't for me at all. It was a little too much chocolate.

{PROS} Heart Healthy food!, Proven to lower your cholesterol.

{CONS} Don't eat too of the oatmeal squares, the fiber really works!

{SHOP} Shop for Corazonas

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{WIN} Told you I'd get to this! As part of my Spring Into Summer giveaway Event, one lucky reader will win a gift bag that includes a box Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Squares from Corazonas. Enter Here

{CONNECT} Connect with Corazonas on Facebook and Twitter for extra entries.

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