Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ways To Get Extra Entries

I provide extra giveaway entries into any giveaway. These are reserved for those special readers who go that extra mile. You are given the extra entries into the giveaway of your choice. All you have to do is complete whatever requirement below and then comment on the giveaway you want the entries into. Please remember two things: you must have completed the mandatory entry and entries=comments. Here’s how:

1.) As way to thank customers who make an alex+von purchase from me as any time either now or in the future I give an extra 15 entries. This applies to every purchase. So if you purchase something today and then turn around next week and purchase again you get 15 entries for the first purchase and 15 for the second. This must be verified. (Verifying is simple, when you post your comments be sure you list the name that your order was place under. You can list first and last or just last initial. I know that seems like a lot but this will just help me keep things straight.)

2.) Check out and subscribe to my alex+von Blog. I use this blog to provide you with updated sales information, samples, and so much more.  Extra 10 entries This is a one time set of extra entries.

3.) If you choose to join my alex+von team I would like to give you not only a great company to work with, an awesome team to be a part of but also some extra entries. Get 25 extra entries for joining my team.

4.) Sign up for my Rita Reviews newsletter. This newsletter comes out a little more often and in it I share with you current giveaways, my news, and special ways for newsletter subscribers only to get super secret entries. These are included in each and every issue. Extra 10 entries This is a one time only set of extra entries.

5.) Complete my survey.   It is very brief and I use it for stat information purposes only. 10 extra entries.

6.) Follow me through Networked Blogs. Just click the link in my left sidebar. 10 extra entries.

Please not the above alex+von extra entries are NOT bribes!! I just want to thank those who take the time to purchase from and/or join my team.  This is an easy way to say Thanks and give you a chance for something else you may enjoy as well.

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