Friday, May 6, 2011

Before you Launch by: Ruchira Agrawal

If you have ever wanted to start your own business then Before You Launch Your Business: How to Decide if Being an Entrepreneur is For You by: Ruchira Agrawal is the book for you. The books gets you to look inside and then decide if being an entrepreneur is right for you. It is laid out very well. The chapters are well-organized from beginning to end.

I honestly wish now that I had read this book before starting my own business not that I regret my business but because this book provides enough insights that it would have been helpful. I love that Agrawal doesn't give any false hopes or promises. You are instead encouraged to meet real entrepreneurs and learn what their lives are like.
There is no magic formula given that will make you a success. For me I had all sorts of "ideas" going into business only to realize that it way more work than I had ever imagined. 

This book puts it all into perspective and allows the reader to make an informed decision.

Rita's Rating:

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