Friday, May 6, 2011

Helm Tops

When you have kids that love to ride bicycles you know what that means....helmets. My children have those basic plain old helmets. They are nothing fancy. So when I cam across Helmtops I was intrigued. So I pitched to them and was given two products to review. What are Helmtops excatly? They are little button like decorations that go into the open slots on helmets. They allow your children to add their own style to their helmet.

All boys love to race and Daniel is no exception. These race flags allow him to show off his style while making him feel like he has taken the checkered flag. He now willingly puts on his helmet and races up and down the road.

Victoria is my little princess and has a style all her own. Her helmet is now adorned with these cute butterflies.She loves them and like Daniel has little issue putting on her helmet now. As a mom that is a huge plus and one less thing for me to worry about.

 How Helmtops work:

{PROS} They take a safety need and make it so your kids will want to wear it.

{CONS} They only have 9 designs right now.

 {SHOP} Shop helmtops

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