Friday, June 17, 2011

Blair Candy Review

Growing up did you love candy? We sure did, as do my children. The biggest problem always seems to be where to get the best candy at the best price. Well not anymore. Now I have found the place to get all  my candy needs at a great price. Blair Candy has it all, they really do. I am talking about everything from gum and mints to nostalgic candy. If you are in charge of running the concession stand for your child's school events then Blair Candy is THE place to get your candy.

Blair Candy send me a couple of items for review. Growing up we had atomic fireballs all the time. I always had a hard time with them but my older brother loved them. He still loves them! He takes them to work At $12.95 for 140 pieces you can not go wrong.

I am a Lifesavers type of girl. I buy these all the time but I will be shopping at Blair more now because they are only $2.00 a bag. the trouble with buying these is that they always seem to disappear from my purse.Of course no one in my home seems to know where they go either.

Our biggest candy buying episodes are not Halloween, like most would guess. Ours is for birthday parties. Why? Because we have pinatas! Usually we have a least one but have, on occasion, had two or three. Those things hold roughly two pounds of candy and if you think you can get away with that standard old kiddie mix you've got another thing coming. I found that out the hard way my first year of marriage. I brought home the kiddie mix bags and my husband looked at me like I had grown two heads. They seem to want the good stuff. So this party buying season I will be getting some party candy form Blair Candy.

{PROS} Great variety and selections, wonderful prices, site is very easy to navigate.

{CONS} None other than having to hide the candy.

{SHOP} Shop Blair Candy

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