Monday, June 27, 2011

Go Girl Review and Giveaway

Do you hike, go "Jeeping", or anything else that may take you out where there is no potty. We do! As a woman, not having a potty can be a problem. I mean lets face it, men can stand up and pee anywhere. We have a little bit more of a problem with that. Not to mention do you really want to squat down in the woods? I have the horrible image of something biting me on the butt. Don't laugh I do! Thank God for Go Girl. When I contacted them to work with them I wasn't sure if the product was going to do all they claimed it would do but I am so happy that I was wrong.

Go Girl is a female urination device (sometimes called a FUD.) I know it sounds like something foreign. I could list all the technical jargon there is but let me simply tell you what Go Girl is for me. Go Girl means I can stand up when I have to use a public bathroom. Lets face some of them are so nasty they just scream DISEASE! they do, I have walked into bathrooms before and thought I would rather go in my pants than go in there. Go Girl also means I can go out hiking (yes, I occasionally hike when I know I'm getting something great at the end) and not have to get up in the bushes. The whole something biting me on the butt thing again.

I won't go into the details of how you use a Go Girl. I will say that they can be washed and reused.  They even come with a little bit of toilet paper. Not enough for me but that's okay I carry my own roll with me all the time anyway. It does come in this handy little tube that will fit right into your bag of choice.

{PROS} It works, keeps me from catching anything strange.

{CONS} I would like a little more toilet paper in them please.

{SHOP} Shop Go Girl

{WIN} Enter below to win a Go Girl of your own

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