Sunday, June 12, 2011

Meet The Saints by: Robert F. Morneau

As a Catholic I am familiar with saints. While I do not know all of them I have on occasion asked for the help of the ones I know. So when I started reading Meet the Saints I thought I would learn more about the most common saints. While I did learn more of the life of the popular, common saints such as Padre Pio, St. Francis of Assisi, and St. Vincent de Paul, I also learned more about a few other saints as well.

I learned about the women who knew Jesus such as Salome, the mother of James and John, and Mary Magdalene.  I also learned that there is a couple who are saints. The book is filled with various saints, a little history about their lives and how they became saints. The last chapter of Meet the Saints is dedicated to answering some questions such as "How are patron saints assigned?" and "How many saints had the stigmata?"  The only thing I really wished the book had included for all of the saints and not just here and there was what they are the saints of. For example Saint Joseph the Worker is the patron saint of fathers and carpenters.

This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Meet the Saints. They are also a great source for a Catechism of the Catholic Church or a Catholic Bible.

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