Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How Do You do It?

I know that a lot of you are bloggers as well and I am just curious as to how you all do it. Being a mother, a wife, and everything is is hard. Blogging takes up a large part of my day although I am getting much better at scheduling. I keep a total of five calendars: 1 for reviews, 1 for editorials, 1 for giveaways (ending dates) ,1 for my family, and 1 for my business with appointments, meeting etc. I tried to keep 1 single calendar for all of this but there was so much information on it I felt overwhelmed every time I looked at it. This new way helps. I highlight each item in red as it gets done. This gives a sense of relief that things are completed.

My biggest challenge is being a wife. How do you all find the time for your husbands in amid everything else that you do? I feel like sometimes mine suffers because I am so busy doing everything else. I make a point of not allowing my children to suffer. There just never seems to be enough hours in the day. So I want to hear from all of you...how do you find time for your husbands and for yourself.

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