Thursday, June 9, 2011

Flip Flop Wines

I really like wine! I don't mean that I sit around drinking all of the time but a good glass of wine is the perfect ending to a long stressful day sometimes. I found a company that knows a thing or two about great wine at an affordable price. This summer my wine rack will be holding wine from Flip Flop Wines. I love their logo "to each, their own." That is so perfect. I received three wines from Flip Flop wines to try out.

First was the Pinot Grigio. It is a medium sort of wine. It's not to sweet but not too dry either. It has a light citrus flavor with a pear flavor in the background. I really like this wine .We served it chilled with spaghetti. Yes I know most people have red wine with spaghetti but this Pinot Grigio really brought out the flavors of the spaghetti while not being over powering. I really loved that having it chilled made the meal all the more the better.

The Pinot Noir is more of a dessert wine (at least for me.) You serve it at room temperature and is perfect when paired with chocolate. We had it with warm chocolate chip cookies. It is a medium-bodied wine which means it is more on the dry side. There are subtle hints of vanilla that completed the cookie taste along with a cola aroma that was wonderful.

The Riesling was my absolute favorite. It is a sweet wine with peach, apricot and melon. It's a girly wine, as my husband put it. We had it with tacos which was the perfect combo. You had the spicy from the taco and the sweetness of the wine. It's best served chilled and is also great alone .

We had a great time reviewing these wines! Not that we are alcoholics but  sometimes it's nice to have the chance to review grown-up products. I will most definitely be purchasing some of these wines because i think a few of my girlfriends would  love them.  Another thing to love about Flip Flop wines is that for every bottle purchased Soles4Souls will donate a pair of shoes to someone in need.

{PROS} Great price,great taste, I love the label design.

{CONS} I don't have any cons but ask that you PLEASE drink responsibly. Don't drink and then drive!

{SHOP} Shop Flip Flop Wines

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